Time will tell.
I support cutting waste, fraud and abuse.
I believe the opposition to him at this stage is merely a reflex of the left.
This is absolutely the correct answer.
There is clearly some dem talking point that has gone out that seeks to turn musk bad.
You can't objectively find massive fault in anything Elon Musk has done. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Made Twitter politically neutral...
Not to mention the solar/battery advances he's funded through Tesla.
With each of his ventures he's had a real focus on efficiency, trying to minimize wasteful spend.
Here's where the real opposition comes from: the superficial opposition is simply because he aligned himself with Trump. It's easy to get millions to hate him for that sole reason. That's the kind of opposition the Washington establishment wants to create as MUCH of as possible, to distract from the real reason, his desire to make the federal government more efficient. BOTH Ds and Rs know the federal government wastes untold billions, if not trillions of taxpayer dollars annually. Fixing this means thousands of Washington insiders lose their gravy train. Wise use of taxpayer dollars, accountability for spend, and increased scrutiny on waste throughout the government is going to expose a LOT of negligence. THIS is the real threat. They CANNOT afford to have the left and right focus accountability for taxpayer dollars, so they MUST take advantage of the superficial reason (Orange man bad so Musk bad), and it will work to some degree.
Ultimately I think too many people see right through this posturing, and only the left is falling for it. The moderate Dems are totally on board with making government more efficient, and that's all it's going to take to offset the simple minded Orange man Bad crowd.
There I said it. I'm probably on a watch list now.