Embarrassing officials!

Right before half and the clock is winding down. Iowa got a first down and the clock continued to run before the chains even moved. It costed Iowa at least 13 seconds and possibly three points.
They need to go away from the part timers and have full time refs. Actually, it's something the NCAA needs to take over. Create professional referees for all games involving FBS teams. All Conferences pay in to support the program.
The NCAA = Pathetic to Atrocious. They couldn’t manage a neighborhood lemonade stand.
And overturned a textbook case of targeting. Defenseless player, tackler launched, and a helmet-to-helmet hit. That was exactly the kind of hit that causes concussions and that the rule was meant to prevent.

Yeah that overturn left me scratching my head. Would love to hear an explanation how that wasn’t textbook targeting because it was, no doubt.
Honestly, I don’t see the point of video reviews if that is the result and quality we get. On the bad spot that gave NW a first down, there was no part of the player that was more than a foot past the 50 when you could clearly see his knee down on the ground short of the 50 while his body was almost completely vertical. But they marked the ball about 6 inches short of the 49. Meaning they gave him at least a foot and a half past where his helmet was. Maybe you can’t give an exact position for the ball but you sure as heck can say that there was no way he made a first down.

I honestly think that reviews have made refs on the field worse. They have changed the way they call the game because they think that review will cover their butts when they get a call wrong. But then the review official won’t be able to overturn the wrong call on the field because they can’t, or won’t, see enough evidence in the video.

Case in point, the “fumble” that traveled almost 15 yards in the air with a near-perfect spiral in the 4th quarter. Yesterday the refs aren’t sure so they just let the game keep on going thinking replay will fix it if wrong. Luckily for us the review official got his head out of his rear end finally, but it was a complete waste of time. 20 years ago that is a simple incomplete pass call on the field and the game moves on.
This is an excellent point! Human error happens from coaches to players and officials. I’ve had games where I owned it and I wanted to hang it up with my performance. If you hustle your ass off and communicate with the players and coaches it will be a great game. I love being on that court or field for the kids and dammit I will make mistakes and not because I want to but because I’m human! I really do encourage more people to get involved with officiating. It’s hard but I keep thinking about the kids because that’s really the reason I keep doing it!
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My favorite was when they called holding on the NU RB after Benson ran into and tackled him.

Refs sucked both ways.
Come on Fran . You know I like your stuff most of the time but that was a flat out embarrassment as regards officials! Just incompetence.
The replays not overturned that are obvious mistakes are what blow me away.
The fumble and the spot.
I get making a mistake in real time at speed, but it's like they tell us we aren't seeing what we are seeing in replay.
The replays not overturned that are obvious mistakes are what blow me away.
The fumble and the spot.
I get making a mistake in real time at speed, but it's like they tell us we aren't seeing what we are seeing in replay.

Yeah, that 4th down spot was really obvious on replay. Either they don't get all the angles we do, they're incompetent or they're deliberately making the wrong call. That one was an obvious overturn of the original spot....should have been, at most, tail of the ball on the 40 (and that's giving every benefit of the doubt).
The sideline conduct call on Fitz was great for Iowa, but that was a huge stretch going by what was shown on television. The whole game was filled with completely unpredictable officiating.
Had to call that on Fitz, he threw his headset down on the field of play. He knew when he did it that he was going to get the flag. Plain as day sitting in the stands. Friend said they showed him apologizing to players on TV.
just flat out dumpster fire officials tonight! Trash of a DPI there! No way that’s interference… calls have been trash all night
The first call was questionable at best, the second was an absolute joke of a call. While Fitz screwed his team by throwing a tantrum on the sidelines, he certainly intimidated that one official deep on his side of the field.

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