EMP Wars and Nukes in Space

Nov 28, 2010
Am I the only one here who immediately thought "EMP" when the news broke that the Ruskies were putting nukes in space?

I assume they will withdraw from the treaty when they do that - or now that they've been caught doing that, as the case may be.

Would disabling our satellites be considered an act of war? Merely a provocation? Something else?

If the Russians try out an EMP attack over Ukraine and it knocks out any of the grid in Poland, are we obligated to go to war?

If Russia puts nukes in space, do we have to put nukes in space? Will China, India, the UK, France, Pakistan, Israel and/or N.Korea put nukes in space? (Did I forget anyone?) Do any of them already have nukes in space? Do we?
Am I the only one here who immediately thought "EMP" when the news broke that the Ruskies were putting nukes in space?

I assume they will withdraw from the treaty when they do that - or now that they've been caught doing that, as the case may be.

Would disabling our satellites be considered an act of war? Merely a provocation? Something else?

If the Russians try out an EMP attack over Ukraine and it knocks out any of the grid in Poland, are we obligated to go to war?

If Russia puts nukes in space, do we have to put nukes in space? Will China, India, the UK, France, Pakistan, Israel and/or N.Korea put nukes in space? (Did I forget anyone?) Do any of them already have nukes in space? Do we?
I didn't think EMP, I thought of it as more of an effort to thwart our ABM efforts.

EMP is definitely the scariest thing about the Norks having nukes.

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