Era and city you’d live in?

I’d go to 1883 and get in the wagon train to Oregon. And I’d **** Elsa the whole way.
Slip it in and let the horse do all the work
Seriously though San Fran in the mid to late 1960's to participate in the Acid Tests when "The Warlocks" were playing as the house band, and then proceed to experience the Summer of Love in all of its glory.
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Fair lol though there may be a case to be made that the actual "progressive" time (that mimics the current progressive movement in the west) was one of the large reasons that Hitler and the nazi party came to power in the first place.
Season 9 Nbc GIF by The Office
White guilt plus a gross ignorance of history.. it's like these people are unaware that Indian tribes murdered and enslaved each other long before the Europeans arrived to "ruin everything".
The irony and lack of education in this post is glaring.
I liked the answers around seeing early alternative music, but would probably go Prague in late 80s to early 90s. Lot of interesting stuff going on. This was a great thread idea OP. would also be great to see Rome at it it’s height with the coliseum spectacles.
I'd go back to the 90s and go to a shitload of concerts. City doesn't really matter
This is a great answer. I did see a lot of concerts during this time but of course, did not fully take advantage. The local scenes were good too so there was always something playing Friday and Saturday.

My friend was going to school at Iowa St and ended up giving away (no pun) his tickets to the Chilli Peppers to go to a house party. So happened that the openers were Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpkins. Unreal!

I'd go back to the 90s and go to a shitload of concerts. City doesn't really matter
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Great thread idea OP. My paternal grandfather died of lung cancer before I was born, so I’d go back to the mid-50’s in Cedar Rapids to go fishing with him and my dad. ...
As a grandpa who just took his oldest grandson, age 3, on his first fishing trip last weekend...this one really hit me. I am sorry you never got that chance.
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You’re given several million dollars and can put your current life on hold for one year, guaranteed to return to it as it is today. Meaning, everything and everyone is frozen in time for that year. What era and city (or country) would you choose to live in?

Personally, I’d go with Los Angeles in the late 70s to 80s and experience the Playboy lifestyle, if you know what I mean.
After reading “Time and Again” by Jack Finney years ago, I’d go back to Gilded Age NYC.
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Fort Worth Texas, 1935

To see my favorites, Milton Brown & the Brownies play the Crystal Springs Ballroom and hear their daily radio show. Twice as good as the next best band, Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. And yes Bob is my avatar- nobody ever heard of Milton and very few Bob.

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