Exercise in compromise: Could HROT solve gun violence?


HB Heisman
Jan 8, 2009
Hey guys-

After countless numbers of topics posted here on gun violence and gun control, with minimal concession in either direction, I thought about a fun exercise: could both sides work together to discuss and possibly cooperatively develop a hypothetical SOLUTION for this issue?

I'd start by stating three base assumptions that I believe no one on either side of the issue would disagree with:

1) Increasing gun violence, especially in mass shootings, is a problem that needs to be addressed.

2) The second amendment is a permanent part of the Constitution and will forever continue to allow for citizens' rights to possess firearms.

3) Guns are finding their way into the hands of people that should not have access to them.

Can everyone agree with these base assumptions or am I overreaching? From these building blocks, we should be able to move forward collectively!
You're never going to solve it by looking at the symptoms and not the illness.

I assume this means you recommend looking at why people kill each other rather than how easy it is for people to kill each other?

This may rely on an additional assumption that mass-murderers are inherently mentally ill (which I'm not sure research necessarily supports) but am happy to incorporate into the framework as well if identifying and monitoring mental illness is a prerequisite for base assumption 3 above. Thoughts?