Experts say a government shutdown is likely


HB King
May 29, 2001
When will they ever learn?

In America, you can't legally bet on political outcomes (at least not yet). But if you could, we'd advise you to put some money on the government shutting down on Oct. 1.

As Congress gets back to work this week, it's facing a nearly unprecedented number of deadlines and political dramas. The government needs to be funded by Sept. 30, but Congress is way behind in passing the series of spending bills necessary to pass a full budget. Instead, lawmakers will probably try to pass a short-term budget extension that basically keeps spending levels the same as last year and keeps the government open.

But even that's going to be tough. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are using the budget process to push their ideological agendas on everything from abortion to military spending to international nuclear deals. And there's a presidential campaign going on, complicating the decisions and actions of the five senators running for the White House. (And in the Senate, sometimes it only takes one.)

Here are four congressional budget analysts' predictions on how likely it is that the government will shut down. We'll start with the most conservative estimate -- which is still "well over 50 percent."

'Well over 50 percent'
That's the prediction from Peter Orszag, President Obama's former budget director and the former head of the Congressional Budget Office.

In an Aug. 31 interview with CNBC's "Squwk Box," Orszag noted that Congress is probably not going to pass the 12 separate spending bills needed to set a new budget for federal agencies (the House has passed just six, and the Senate has passed zero.) No real surprise there. So Congress's next and likeliest option is to renew last year's budget, known as a continuing resolution, and essentially kick the can down the road.

That simple task got much more complicated with the fight over Planned Parenthood, he said.

Since an anti-abortion advocacy group leaked videos of officials from the women's health provider talking in cavalier tones about fetal tissue, Republicans on the presidential campaign trail and in Congress are calling for the federal government to stop giving more than $500 million annually to Planned Parenthood. Some lawmakers have indicated they're willing to risk shutting down the government to defund the organization.

Needless to say, it's a very charged issue -- one that could lead plenty of lawmakers to take very bold action.

[How the Planned Parenthood debate could cause another government shutdown]

60 percent
Planned Parenthood was an unforeseen drama for many budget-watchers, including Steve Bell, the director of economic policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former top Republican congressional budget aide.

As 2015 started, Bell was hopeful that GOP congressional leaders could avoid another government shutdown. But he now puts the chances of a shutdown at 60 percent, pointing to many Republicans' intransigence on Planned Parenthood, in addition to a debate about whether to restart the Export-Import Bank (the agency Congress let expire in June) and a debate over how much or whether to raise the debt ceiling, which allows the Treasury Department to borrow money to pay our bills.

"We're going to have this horrible mess, and we may or may not be able to pass the first [short-term budget] on time," Bell said in an interview.

67 percent
As Congress left for its five-week recess, prominent budget analyst Stan Collender estimated the possibility of a shutdown at 60 percent. Now, he thinks it's even more likely.

Most everyone in Washington agrees that the automatic spending cuts (a.k.a. the sequester) that were implemented after a 2012 budget debate need to be replaced with actual spending policy. But there are major sticking points between the White House and congressional Republicans over cutting military versus domestic spending, Collender wrote on

More importantly, the Planned Parenthood debate was roiling -- a "highly emotional, politically toxic and take-no-prisoners issue," Collender wrote.

On Congress's first day back Tuesday, the potential for a shutdown jumped to 67 percent, Collender wrote. That's because another highly emotional and dramatic debate was bubbling to the surface: the Iran nuclear deal. On Tuesday, President Obama secured enough votes to potentially stop Republicans in the Senate from even voting to derail the deal. But, similar to Planned Parenthood and Obamacare in 2013, opponents of the deal could use the budget debate to try to stop the Iran deal from being funded.

"When combined with the expected efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, [the Iran deal] will add significant highly emotional fuel to the partisan fire and make a government shutdown far more politically palatable," Collender wrote.

70 percent
To recap, we have the Planned Parenthood debate, the Export-Import Bank, debates over military vs. domestic spending, the Iran nuclear deal and the debt limit all threatening to play a part in at least a temporary government shutdown. Oh yeah, and Congress still has to okay a fund by Oct. 29 to help pay for highways and bridges (known as the Highway Trust Fund).

Put that all together, and it's 70 percent likely the government will shut down for at least a day or two, Jim Manley, a former high-ranking Senate Democratic aide to then-Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), told The Fix. There's simply too much to get done and too many pressure points.

This was kind of a depressing article, and if you're fretting about the shutdown, consider this: Maybe the threat of a shutdown is necessary to spur Congress in action to solve all our problems -- or at least agree to keep the government running. (And don't forget that all the government employees last time got their back pay when the government reopened.)

"Nothing in this day and age gets done without the threat of cliffs," Manley pointed out.

True, and sometimes that threat is enough to forge an 11th-hour compromise, as it did in 2011 when Manley was one of many predicting a shutdown.
I work for the government and we are hearing that a shutdown is not likely. It really doesn't help either side in this political environment.
I work for the government and we are hearing that a shutdown is not likely. It really doesn't help either side in this political environment.
I disagree. I think a shutdown helps the Dems immensely. Shutting down the government based on propaganda videos would do wonders to push voters away from the Republicans.
I disagree. I think a shutdown helps the Dems immensely. Shutting down the government based on propaganda videos would do wonders to push voters away from the Republicans.

The Dems in DC disagree with you right now. I guess anything can happen between now and Oct 1.
The Dems in DC disagree with you right now. I guess anything can happen between now and Oct 1.
Are you kidding me? The Dems are giddy for a shutdown. They know that the GOP will pay politically for it. And over videos with no legal merit? It would be a gold mine. Not only would a shutdown make the GOP look incompetent in a broader sense, but it would only further alienate women voters in a specific sense.
The last time there was a shutdown it resulted in Sequester.

Which hurt nothing and the show of government sanity encouraged consumer confidence which in turn bolstered the markets.

When is BHO finally going to take credit for that?

I wonder what wins another shutdown will produce?
The last time there was a shutdown it resulted in Sequester.

Which hurt nothing and the show of government sanity encouraged consumer confidence which in turn bolstered the markets.

When is BHO finally going to take credit for that?

I wonder what wins another shutdown will produce?
Take your shutdown if you want. Your funeral. The only reason the last shutdown didn't kill the GOP is because immediately the Obamacare roll out drowned it out. Before that roll out, the GOP was suffering. The GOP probably won't be that lucky this time around.
Are you kidding me? The Dems are giddy for a shutdown. They know that the GOP will pay politically for it. And over videos with no legal merit? It would be a gold mine. Not only would a shutdown make the GOP look incompetent in a broader sense, but it would only further alienate women voters in a specific sense.

My boss is a political appointee of the Obama administration. He told me personally last week that all signs are pointing that congress would come to an agreement without a shutdown. But I'm sure you know more than he does. That would be a big risk for the dems to take because you never truely know how the public is going to respond.
My boss is a political appointee of the Obama administration. He told me personally last week that all signs are pointing that congress would come to an agreement without a shutdown. But I'm sure you know more than he does. That would be a big risk for the dems to take because you never truely know how the public is going to respond.
I'm sure that you can't read. I specifically said that I thought a shutdown was unlikely. And while it might be risky for the Dems, it would be far riskier for the Pubbers.
I disagree. I think a shutdown helps the Dems immensely. Shutting down the government based on propaganda videos would do wonders to push voters away from the Republicans.
And why is that a good thing? Are you guys looking to make sure that you start your own war of unjustifiable atrocities? Are you looking to hand over more money to Wall Street? Planning on adding even more indefinite war proposals to the NDAA? Haven't droned enough kids yet? Haven't failed to save unions enough?

Perhaps you can find more ways to jack up insurance rates? I mean the coming 20-30% raise in rates is a bit lazy don't you think? Maybe we can lie about another attack on Americans with a little more time in office. Racial disparity hasn't quite evolved to bringing on martial law, so the Dems may need more time with that. I wonder if Obama has another "Freedom Act" up his sleeve to sneak into law.

I mean, I'm sure there is some good reason you want the Dems to stay in. I'm just not sure why. Let both aisles burn.
Whatever happened to passing a budget that is good for the people. it seems like these days politicians only do what will get them reelected and what is good for the people is an afterthought. It's all one big popularity contest anyway so let's go Donald Trump all the way
Whatever happened to passing a budget that is good for the people. it seems like these days politicians only do what will get them reelected and what is good for the people is an afterthought. It's all one big popularity contest anyway so let's go Donald Trump all the way
Because the politicians don't care about the people. They care about their money, and their agenda. Or at least the agenda they are being paid to care about. These people don't care about the common man, once they reach a certain level of power.
Because the politicians don't care about the people. They care about their money, and their agenda. Or at least the agenda they are being paid to care about. These people don't care about the common man, once they reach a certain level of power.

Victims of the plutocracy.
The last time there was a shutdown it resulted in Sequester.

Which hurt nothing and the show of government sanity encouraged consumer confidence which in turn bolstered the markets.

When is BHO finally going to take credit for that?

I wonder what wins another shutdown will produce?


It's not an election year. Shutdown might be interesting.
I work for the government and we are hearing that a shutdown is not likely. It really doesn't help either side in this political environment.

I think they are being optimistic. The people gearing are doing it because they want the attention that comes with being the "leader of the resistance". Ted Cruz does this because it's the only way he gets to be relevant. God knows he's incapable of creating any legislation that is helpful for people or moves the country forward.
I think they are being optimistic. The people gearing are doing it because they want the attention that comes with being the "leader of the resistance". Ted Cruz does this because it's the only way he gets to be relevant. God knows he's incapable of creating any legislation that is helpful for people or moves the country forward.

Why is the benchmark for an effective legislator how much legislation they propose or sponsor?
And why is that a good thing? Are you guys looking to make sure that you start your own war of unjustifiable atrocities? Are you looking to hand over more money to Wall Street? Planning on adding even more indefinite war proposals to the NDAA? Haven't droned enough kids yet? Haven't failed to save unions enough?

Perhaps you can find more ways to jack up insurance rates? I mean the coming 20-30% raise in rates is a bit lazy don't you think? Maybe we can lie about another attack on Americans with a little more time in office. Racial disparity hasn't quite evolved to bringing on martial law, so the Dems may need more time with that. I wonder if Obama has another "Freedom Act" up his sleeve to sneak into law.

I mean, I'm sure there is some good reason you want the Dems to stay in. I'm just not sure why. Let both aisles burn.
What about risking our government over propaganda videos do you not understand? The videos have been found to have no legal merit. So why are the Republicans trying to shut down the government over them? Ordinarily the GOP loses with these shutdowns. Add this incredibly poor reason and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.
What about risking our government over propaganda videos do you not understand? The videos have been found to have no legal merit. So why are the Republicans trying to shut down the government over them? Ordinarily the GOP loses with these shutdowns. Add this incredibly poor reason and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.

Has the federal investigation wrapped?

Pretty sure it just started.

What do you have against due process?
Has the federal investigation wrapped?

Pretty sure it just started.

What do you have against due process?
Several state investigations have concluded and found no wrongdoing. Add to this that expert analysis has found that even the "full" videos have been edited and you do the math. Chances are very slim that the videos have any serious merit.

And are seriously trying to lecture me over due process while the Republicans talk about shutting down the government before they wrap up their investigation?
Several state investigations have concluded and found no wrongdoing. Add to this that expert analysis has found that even the "full" videos have been edited and you do the math. Chances are very slim that the videos have any serious merit.

And are seriously trying to lecture me over due process while the Republicans talk about shutting down the government before they wrap up their investigation?

So you are saying that the tail should wag the dog?

The State should override the Feds?

You are an Anarchist.
So you are saying that the tail should wag the dog?

The State should override the Feds?

You are an Anarchist.
You're the one cheering on shutting down the government before the federal investigation has been wrapped up and I'm the anarchist? That's cute.
You're the one cheering on shutting down the government before the federal investigation has been wrapped up and I'm the anarchist? That's cute.

Good things came out of the last shutdown.

You have come out as pro-states rights.

You will make a great Conservstive yet.
Why is the benchmark for an effective legislator how much legislation they propose or sponsor?

Who said that? It's not how much but it's what they propose or sponsor. These asshats wasted millions of taxpayer dollars uselessly voting the ACA down over 50 times. Not once did they offer a bill to make it better or more efficient.
Except at the voting booth.

The GOP won't be able to hide during a midterm election this time. Although a shutdown this fall would still be too early for the average uninformed American to stay pissed off at them. I'm sure Trump will burn a sombrero or something to get the attention back on those darned illegals. Either way, the GOP knows this which is why they are going for it. It's also the last time they can shut the government down for something stupid and have minimal consequences.
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The GOP won't be able to hide during a midterm election this time. Although a shutdown this fall would still be too early for the average uninformed American to stay pissed off at them. I'm sure Trump will burn a sombrero or something to get the attention back on those darned illegals. Either way, the GOP knows this which is why they are going for it. It's also the last time they can shut the government down for something stupid and have minimal consequences.

You need to hope the midterms start meaning something to the Libs.

Unfortunately the Libs view the POTUS as a dictator and they are comfortable with that.

This is the reason they only show up for the primary. Libs are not interested in a Republic. They are interested in a limited fascists state.

Most of the Lib voters that show up in the primary don't realize they are pawns. Which is good, because Socialism relies on unwitting pawns.

It's all about finding a Progressive dictator every 4 years.
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You need to hope the midterms start meaning something to the Libs.

Unfortunately the Libs view the POTUS as a dictator and they are comfortable with that.

This is the reason they only show up for the primary. Libs are not interested in a Republic. They are interested in a limited fascists state.

Most of the Lib voters that show up in the primary don't realize they are pawns. Which is good, because Socialism relies on unwitting pawns.

It's all about finding a Progressive dictator every 4 years.
This is rich. Republicans want to limit voting rights, marriage rights, and want seal off all our borders with gigantic walls, yet somehow it's the Dems who are the fascist ones.
This is rich. Republicans want to limit voting rights, marriage rights, and want seal off all our borders with gigantic walls, yet somehow it's the Dems who are the fascist ones.

When you want to control property, income, earnings, commerce, speech, beliefs and thought... then yes.