Favorite camping locations in the midwest


HB Heisman
Gold Member
Dec 12, 2001
Anyone have a favorite camping spots here in middle America. Out of the blue this weekend wife tells me she'd like to go some where this fall, I use to camp and fish a lot in my 20's but haven't really been out for a while. Any thing with in a day drive from Eastern Iowa would work for me. What does everyone got?
Anyone have a favorite camping spots here in middle America. Out of the blue this weekend wife tells me she'd like to go some where this fall, I use to camp and fish a lot in my 20's but haven't really been out for a while. Any thing with in a day drive from Eastern Iowa would work for me. What does everyone got?
Tell your wife she can camp in my tent which happens to be in line at her mother-in-law’s house.
We used to camp at Wylusing St Park I n Wisconsin. You need to get there early to get a spot on the bluff overlooking the confluence of the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers. Campground near Lanesboro Minnesota that’s on the root river called the Barn Resort I believe. Besides camping there is golf course, Root River canoeing, great bike trail along the river, Trout Brewing in Preston, eats and bars in Lanesboro overlooking the river…
Turkey Run State Park has some great hiking. I have no idea what their campground is like.

My wife and I don't do much camping.
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Many, many years ago I knew every trail in Decorah better than the back of my hand.

Pretty sure I have stood on top of Pulpit Rock over a thousand time in my life and free hand climbed both sides of cliffs before the spillway over a hundred times….then I turned 18 and moved on in life :(

Minimum of every Friday through Sunday that is where I lived from Memorial Day to Labor Day for my childhood.

Same spot every weekend…best spot in the park…pretty sure it was off limits to anyone else but my parents

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