Favorite Halloween costume you've wore and why?


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015
Mine would be a Scream 'ghost face' costume I wore whilst 19 years old. I scared an old lady with it, whilst riding down the road in a friends car. It was a big hit at the party we went to. It as new then, more common now.
There was a pump that connected to the mask, and you could hide it in your sleeve and squeeze it, whilst blood ran down the mask, it was grrrrreat.
Dracula as a kid; I liked capes.
Sailor as an adult; those bell bottom 13 button pants are a marvel.
Lamp table, complete with working light under shade. Won first prize and bottle of booze.
'Androgenous Pat', back in college.
Sorority girls kept grabbing my junk to see if I was really male or female.
Either me dressed in a orange prison jump suit with a Dick Cheney mask or me wearing a V for Vendetta costume right after the movie came out. The V costume got a LOT of reuse in the coming years as the suit and the mask had a lot of uses later.

A group of us went as the Baseball Furries from the movie Warriors.

Fortunately nobody tried to "shove my bat up my a** and turn me into a popsicle".
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Somewhere around 1977-78 I went dressed as Kenny Stabler, I even wore a wig and fake beard under the helmet. Grey pants, black #12 jersey (w/ Stabler on the back) and a two bar Raiders helmet. It was about as freaking awesome as it could get in the late 1970's for an 8 or 9 year old.

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