Today's lesson: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

With Chevron Doctrine now gone, that's exactly where we are now headed.
Cherry-picked and paid judges will now decide whether formaldehyde can be used to sweeten your soured milk....
Who knows, maybe we will get back to not being told what’s in our food per the label.
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I read The Jungle my junior year, it was depressing.
It's a tossup between it and Grapes of Wrath for most depressing book I've ever read. Sinclair and Steinbach left no stone unturned when it came to writing hardships for the main characters.
The new DOGE aims to take us back to these good ol’ days. How the hell are billionaires expected to thrive with OSHA, the FDA, EPA, NLRB, and all these pesky regulations?
i loved that book so much when i finished it i turned page 1 and reread it. i usually only read non fiction but i knew that much of the book was based in fact as upton lived in the area while working for a socialist newspaper and that it was responsible reforming the laws at packing houses. he was trying to bring attention to how badly the immigrant workers were treated and was later quoted "I aimed for the heart but struck the belly "
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