Ferentz Interview on 670 The Score


Aug 24, 2010
I listen to Chicago sports radio 670 The Score everyday at work and they rarely ever talk about Iowa but they spent a good hour talking about the Hawks this morning. They had Matt Bowen on, which they do every week, and then they just finished up with Kirk.

Kirk gave one of his best interviews I've ever heard. You can tell he feels something he never has before. He seemed loose and energized. You get the feeling that he's really enjoying this.
Typical coach answers. They gave him crap about how they thought he would have gone to the Raiders a few different times over his career at Iowa and he had a pretty good response that got the guys laughing. Said something like, "No disrespect to the Raiders but I didn't miss out on anything."

He gave a lot of credit to the coaching staff and the players being leaders. Talked about Doyle being there since the beginning and how he's the most important coordinator. I really enjoyed hearing him talk about why he's always wanted to just stay in Iowa. Said he's been here since 1981 and that Iowa is the place he's lived the longest as an adult. Said that Iowa is a great place to raise a family and that it's great for a coach's family to live a normal life.
KF can't make it through an interview without mentioning the 80's. I dare you to find an interview where he doesn't make some reference to his time here during the 80's.

What is he suppose to say when people interviewing him ask the question?
I cant stand those two on there

Who are you referring to? He was interviewed by Spiegel and Goff today who I think are great. I'm guessing you are referring to Boers and Bernstein, there are plenty of people who do not like them.
KF can't make it through an interview without mentioning the 80's. I dare you to find an interview where he doesn't make some reference to his time here during the 80's.

Of course he's going to bring it up when asked how he came and why he's stayed so long. He was here for nine yrs back then. That's a significant amount of time. It was his first big break and an important part of his career. Wouldn't you?
Of course he's going to bring it up when asked how he came and why he's stayed so long. He was here for nine yrs back then. That's a significant amount of time. It was his first big break and an important part of his career. Wouldn't you?

Seems pretty relevant to me.
What is he suppose to say when people interviewing him ask the question?

Of course he's going to bring it up when asked how he came and why he's stayed so long. He was here for nine yrs back then. That's a significant amount of time. It was his first big break and an important part of his career. Wouldn't you?

KF usually brings it up unsolicited. I've heard him bring up the 80's when asked about recruiting, coaching, what makes this team special, Iowa Football, pretty much he can make some sort of connection to the 80s no matter what the topic at hand.
KF usually brings it up unsolicited. I've heard him bring up the 80's when asked about recruiting, coaching, what makes this team special, Iowa Football, pretty much he can make some sort of connection to the 80s no matter what the topic at hand.

So, what is your point in this?

The 1980's were and continue to be a significant era in the resurgence of Iowa Hawkeye football. Comparisons/contrasts will likely always be a part of many conversations regarding Coach Ferentz. It is as much of who he is and why he is here as anything else.

(Why do I think that some just will not be satisfied unless they can find the nit to pick?)
KF usually brings it up unsolicited. I've heard him bring up the 80's when asked about recruiting, coaching, what makes this team special, Iowa Football, pretty much he can make some sort of connection to the 80s no matter what the topic at hand.

Gee, you don't think he is trying to stress the fact that Iowa, unlike other programs who go cycle through coaches every few years is trying to talk up the stability and continuity of the program. How many other teams have only had two HC's since '78? I bet a handful if any.
Guys, there is no reason to get defensive. I love KF and this season has pretty much cemented the fact that he will be at Iowa as long as he damn pleases. I was simply stating an oddity from his interviews. I listen to sports radio in my office all day and listen to lots of coach interviews. KF is the only one that brings up things that happened 30 years ago. I'm not saying he shouldn't do it. I just find it interesting.
When the history of Iowa Hawkeye Football is written,
there will be 3 legends mentioned.....Evy, Hayden, and
Kirk as the iconic head coaches. Each one was special
in his own way. Yet, they all had one thing in common,
they were "class" acts who were winners.
"They gave him crap about how they thought he would have gone to the Raiders a few different times over his career at Iowa and he had a pretty good response that got the guys laughing. Said something like, "No disrespect to the Raiders but I didn't miss out on anything."

Did he really say that because it's awesome. He and the players have been much more excited this week in interviews. It's noticeably different actually.
KF was just on 1070thefan in Indy. Took him 2 minutes into the 12+ minute interview to mention the 1980's...

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