There are several issues with the article. First, it completely ignores the fact that, at Iowa, judging whether a FB coach is successful goes beyond the W/L column. It includes, amongh other things, looking at stuff like graduation rates and running the program with integrity. I think our administration views the FB coach as a representative of the school and, as such, should be someone who runs the program will class. Personally, I happy that that's the case. tOSU, on the other hand, does not have those same priorities.
Second, the article, like my friend yesterday, sort of assumes mediocre performance. Short of hiring an absolute top branded coach (who'd likely never come to Iowa) and/or someone who would be willing to massively push or even break the rules, Iowa will always be middle of the pack in recruiting. We'll have up years and down years, and when the stars align, years like 2015. It's been that way since Hayden brought the program to respectability, so I don't understand why people expect anything different.
That being said, our recruiting is looking up, we have some fantastic facilities, and the opportunity is there for KF to go on another run. Whether or not that happens probably depends largely on injuries and attrition. Our first full season with the new facilities yielded a 12-0 regular season. While they help with recruiting, they also help with development. It will be interesting to see if we see an overall bump in year over year performance just due to the improved facilities.
I'll be honest, I don't see the reason for a massive buyout here. I'm guessing that Barta's logic was that he has no intention of firing KF over the next 5 years, so it was somewhat moot. I'm sure he's assuming, and probably rightfully so, that we'll see the usual ~8 win average and he's OK with that. It's not a "shoot for the stars" perspective, but I don't see us being a perennial NC contender on a regular basis. Why plan to fire the coach who got you close 3 times?