The number I keep hearing is 3%. And I also keep hearing that doesn't come from federal funding. Is that wrong?
3% is the number PP officials like to toss around. But, as gusto79 points out, that number is quite deceptive.
PP performs about 11.4 million individual services per year for about 3 million different people. About 330,000 of those 11.4 million services are abortions.
So about 3% of the services they provide are abortions, but about 11% of the patients they service are there for an abortion.
Here's an example of how they massage the numbers:
A woman enters a PP clinic and says she thinks she is pregnant. Naturally, the first thing clinic workers do is give her a pregnancy test to confirm. That's one service. The test is positive so the next thing they do is sit down with her and outline her options. That's the second service. After mulling it over, the woman decides to terminate the pregnancy, so the clinic provides her with detailed information on what to expect before, during, and after the abortion. That's the third service. Finally, the actual abortion is performed. That's the fourth service.
One woman had one abortion. But, for statistical purposes, abortion only counted as 25% of what the clinic did in her case.
It's more accurate to say that 11% of all patients served by PP have an abortion. Now, you could argue that 11% is still not a significant percentage. I suppose that's a matter of perspective.
If 11% of African-American voters were turned away at the polls for not having photo id, I suspect you would consider 11% to be a fairly significant number.