Fireworks bill still has sparks at Iowa Capitol


HR Legend
May 13, 2009
Lewis Township

late-session bid to allow retail fireworks remains alive in the Iowa Legislature, stoking hopes among supporters that Iowans could be shooting off legal firecrackers, Roman Candles and bottle rockets on the Fourth of July.

The Iowa Senate Ways and Means Committee has scheduled a three-person subcommittee on Tuesday to consider Senate File 226, which would legalize consumer fireworks and novelties. The bill cleared the Senate State Government Committee earlier this session, but had appeared to be dead as the session headed into its final weeks.

Lobbyist Christopher Rants, who represents the fireworks industry, said Monday there remains a good chance of legalized fireworks winning approval this session. Legislative leaders wouldn't have scheduled Tuesday's subcommittee meeting if they didn't plan to move the bill forward, he added.

"I still like our chances in this General Assembly. It feels like we have had momentum all session long ... Iowans want fireworks," Rants said.

Rants points to a Des Moines Register Iowa Poll in February that showed 54 percent of adult Iowans surveyed favored legalizing fireworks, while 42 percent were opposed and 4 percent were not sure.

The Iowa Legislative Services Agency estimates that first-year sales for retail fireworks in Iowa would total $18.6 million, increasing to $21.2 million by 2020. First-year revenue from state and local sales taxes is estimated at more than $1.2 million
I live in Nebraska, and I'll say that having legalized fireworks is worse than living next to husker fans. I'm still picking up crap from last year in my lawn. If people were generally responsible and respectful, fireworks would be a good deal. Unfortunately, people tend to be neither on the fourth... And third... And fifth... And sixth...
The 15-year old Pepperman would be all for this. The current edition is less enthused about it. Isn't there a mid-point where things like bottle rockets remain illegal, but you can buy fountains and other ground-based fireworks?