Thanks for all the responses!
Ya'll didn't scare me away; just been balls deep in this Cowboys game. It's not often we actually have a lead so I'm taking it all in.
I arrive about 4 hours before my buddies do on Friday night, so I plan on being 12 beers deep at one of the bars you guys suggested by the time they show up. I like the idea of ending up at a sorority party, so I hope there are some hot coeds that are into middle-aged married guys with kids. Saturday, I'll wake up from whichever ditch I ended up in, crack a cold one, and start over again.
I told my buddy I'd sport the black and gold, since he wore burnt orange to the Texas game I brought him to (2015 against ND in South Bend. I'd rather not talk about it). But I will be drinking out of my Longhorns koozie, which I never leave home without. So if you see a drunken idiot drinking from said koozie, say what's up and I'll buy you a beer.