Please excuse the long post - scroll past it if you want - this is an email that I sent to Flo in January due to a subscription issue. They responded by saying "tough, it wasn't our fault, we won't refund you anything." My feeling is that they essentially stole $40 from me.
Here's the email that I sent to Flo:
I'm an active member of the Rivals/HR message board for Iowa wrestling and people often mention FloWrestling. I decided to subscribe, particularly for the live streaming of the recent Iowa-Oklahoma State dual. I first went to your site to know the subscription price. I was required to provide a username and email address, and I just made up something in order to see your pricing. Later, when I decided to subscribe, your system automatically signed me up according to the username and email address that I had previously provided, and of course I didn't remember or have access to. At the time of the dual I was frantic to gain access and so had to subscribe a second time (another $20, so essentially I was billed twice, with the first subscription being inaccessible for me).
This situation didn't bother me much, since I trusted that Flo would understand and refund me the duplicate $20 subscription. However, the situation became much worse when I was unable to view at least half of the dual due to constant buffering issues (including at the crucial moment of the Sorensen-Collica match, the feed just froze). In each match, every thirty seconds or so there would be a buffering pause and I ended up missing a substantial portion of each match. Please don't try to lay the blame on my end - I do NOT have a bad server, outdated computer and software, or any other issue on my end. People who post on Rivals have also complained that there were many problems with the streaming.
Due to the subscription duplication issue, and the live streaming problems, I request that FloWrestling cancel my subscription and refund to me both $20 subscription fees. I was looking forward to using FloWrestling as a great source for my wrestling interest, but at this point in time it's not something I care to pursue - hopefully in the future the streaming technology will improve. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.