Flo refund

I have an annual subscription and emailed them about the 2 free months... They emailed me back and said I will get my 2 free months when I pay my annual renewal in October. LMAO! I have to renew in order to get my refund from this year's mess? What a crock.
I also have an annual subscription. I don't plan to cancel so adding 2 months free does me no good. When would it do me any good? Between my renewals? The back end? If I decide the value isn't there and stop renewing do I then get 2 months free of service I no longer want? I think for annual subscribers they should have the price of 2 months of services put back on their credit cards. I'm even willing to settle for having that amount deducted off of the next renewal.

That's basically what they will do. They said at renewal, they will give me 12 months of service at a 10 month price. I only plan on renewing if they improve their services, but you should email them if you plan on renewing anyway. Not sure if the 2 months credit is pro-rated or how that will work, but it seems like they are trying to take advantage of customers who they jipped out of service by making them renew to receive the credit.
When I canceled they offered me a one time 20% discount. 20% off of something I don't get to watch doesn't do me any good.

That's basically what they will do. They said at renewal, they will give me 12 months of service at a 10 month price. I only plan on renewing if they improve their services, but you should email them if you plan on renewing anyway. Not sure if the 2 months credit is pro-rated or how that will work, but it seems like they are trying to take advantage of customers who they jipped out of service by making them renew to receive the credit.

I am the same boat as Papa. Flo is a bit unethical but what can you do? What I mean is I purchased a monthly subscription back at the beginning of the season to watch SDSU vs ISU. $20 per month and then that meet had technical issues and I was unable to watch. move ahead to Iowa vs SDSU. I try and view that and it tells me on my ROKU device that this service is only available to annual subscribers, so I pay for the annual. TOTAL BAIT AND SWITCH aimed at Iowa fans, just a MONEY GRAB. So I basically paid a month for nothing on top of the annual.

Now this fiasco? So you really thin in NOV when my annual is up to renew that they will take 2 months of then? Wouldn't that be $180 minus 2 months $30x2 = $60 = my NOV renwewal will be $120. Ya right like that's going to F'n ever happen. Sorry they do to many little money grab tricks like the IOWA vs SDSU. or hide how to cancel or never offer any live support. Just an email that goes nowhere.

Great product and appreciate it when it works but lets be honest this business like a 2 bit sleazy used car lot and creating ways to you. And they know dang well this too! Why do you think prices just went up, to recoup their own stupidity of dishing out monthly refunds. They are still conning us and are ahead.

Id email them but what the F is the point.? Id have better luck explaining this to my dog and hoping he corrects it and gives me money. At least he would give me the dignity of a look back or wag his tail.

For the FLO folks reading this, you need to update your ROKU app so we get more of the content that is on the website. ITs BS I cant just watch single match replays through the app but I get all the FRL that I don't give 2 cents about you two talking about stuff that's on this board.
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Oh they are reading this but they can't respond bc then they would have to answer all the questions/concerns and attempt to be transparent about all their Easter Eggs they've created to money grab everyone over the years. Its Flo that are the frauds not NBC Pyles.

For the annual subs.....good luck with getting a company who can't even do their main jobs correctly to try and figure out a pro-rated refund and apply it. If their billing/accounting dept actually showed competence then they couldn't play dumb and keep charging ppl after canceling and using their fraud tactics to rip off their customers anymore.

Apparently it doesn't take much competence to apply for and receive federal grant money.

Simple question....why does your customer service suck and you can't even respond to emails?
I sent an email requesting an additional 2 months be applied to my current 1 year subscription. It took a couple days, but they replied saying that they have extended my current subscription 2 months. At that time I will make my decision on whether or not to renew. A lot of my decision will be based on the quality of their coverage going forward with the past mishaps taken into account as well.
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They've been around for the better part of a decade now. How long is the "growing pains" excuse valid? I think it's wearing thin.

The "small team" excuse is wearing thin, too, IMO. They've had a lot of time to build their team. Also keep in mind that they stand to make a lot of money individually as a small team. I don't begrudge anyone filling a need and benefiting financially by taking some risk. That's the beauty of a free market and something to celebrate.
The "small team" is nonsense too, just look at how Martin continues to grow his "Flocast" brand with "Flomarching, Floclimbing, Flocheer" and so on.

Instead of adding more niches, fix the ones you have.
An explanation and an apology would have meant a lot to me. S@#T happens but crickets is insulting.
I emailed last Sunday and got no reply, I send another e-mail today and let them know exactly how I felt. Was grouchy. I know guys laugh at me. Have fun ect ect. Got an e-mail back in 30 minutes saying I am getting a refund in a week. If I actually get it I will gladly give them another chance. If I do not get the refund they will loose more than the 20 they are offering. Flo needs to try an Honest reliable pay per View for customers who only want a half dozen events per year.
I had a Flo subscription, about 5 years ago. I cancelled it after a month. I was then billed every year, for 3 more years. I called and emailed Flo, filed disputes with Mastercard. Flo just kept billing me, but couldn't tell me what my Username, email or password were. I ended up cancelling the credit card.
I keep reading how Flo should be reported and put out of business, yet then in the same breath people are going to renew with a firm that fraudulently takes money, makes promises, and provides inferior service. Not to even mention their attempts to exert more money from Iowa fans while at the same time showing their major Iowa bias. Would think there would be nothing they can offer that would make anyone subscribe. I can certainly do without and have and will. As long as people continue to let them get by with their business practises why would anyone expect them to change.
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I just wanted to update you guys because Flo righted their wrong with me. They emailed me again after I told them I shouldn't have to renew to get the refund and they are going to extend my subscription for two months free of charge. Took them awhile to get back to me, but I'm giving them until the end of the year to improve their services and hope to continue giving them my business because their product has a lot of potential IF they can figure it out.
Here is the message I received. Way to honor it Flo. I held off from emailing to let the traffic die down. Shouldn't have waited.

"****, we appreciate you reaching out. Unfortunately, we have closed the window for the 2 free months of credit.

You can view archives of the Penn State vs. Oklahoma State Dual by going here.

I emailed them several times and they did not respond. I contacted them through the contact tab on their website and they responded fairly quickly. Giving them the benefit of the doubt for now.

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