FloArena Help (Keystone classic)


May 29, 2001
So I'm trying to follow the Keystone and I logged onto floarena and the "dashboard" came up. Then it disappeared after I went to look at the brackets and I can't get it back. It logs me right back to the bracket page but I just want to see the "dashboard" where the current matches are being displayed. I see the recent results and the upcoming bouts but not the matches currently being wrestled.
Anyone that can help me out? TIA!
I think that the dashboard is down. It won’t load on mine. Normally you would press the bracket button in the middle to make the bracket pop up then press it again to make it go back to the dashboard but that doesn’t seem to be working.
Yeah they must not have been running the dashboard or it went down early in the tournament. I had it up for a few minutes and then it was down the rest of the way. I saw some ppl comment on it as well on social media.

I have to say it's frustrating trying to follow a tournament when there's no "dashboard" of the current matches being wrestled.
Lindenwood sucked yesterday and Keystone did today.
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