Have you ever had a near death experience?

It took me awhile to process this and post it to HBOT, but last Tuesday I was driving on the highway and a freaking Tesla blew by me on the right side like I was standing still (I was doing 70 mph), hit a retaining wall, and bounced back into the traffic lanes hitting the car in front of me. Both vehicles started spinning and by the grace of God I threaded the needle and wasn't involved in the accident.
This isn't the first time a highway crash happened right in front of my eyes and I avoided becoming part of the crash. At least two other times in the past five years.

Am I lucky or unlucky? Should I stop driving before my luck runs out?

Help me process this HBOT. TIA.
That is a crazy story. Great you avoided the crash and hope the others were ok. Psychologists and medical people like nervouse system people say driving is one of the more complicated things that so many people do. Lots of data coming into the brain like speed limit, time and distance, spatial location in the lane. Have to pay attention to so many signs for pedestrians, merging traffic, etc. One two lanes I look at the front left tire of oncoming traffic just to try to get a half second warning they are moving toward the center line.

But there are so many bad drivers. How many times have you come upon people who think they have the right of way when merging onto higher speed lanes like an interstate. Some of them you can see are not even looking.

These newer drifting out of the lane warning systems and accident avoidance braking systems are great. I put my accident avoidance on in town just to keep me far enough behind the cars in front, I am not a tailgater like so many other assholes, and if some one in front of me brakes my radar will start slowing me down.
In March of this year I died in the ER. I didn't hear anything, but I saw the light. It's difficult to describe. Sort of a bright silver/gray color. 2 nurses and a doctor brought me back to life. 16 days later I was released from the hospital. Those 2 nurses, who work in the ER, came up to my room almost every day to check on me. Now I stop by the hospital weekly to thank them 🙂
There you go. Igor is the only one qualified to speak on this subject.

Glad to have you here, Igor. Certainly better than a night on Bald Mountain.

Also, truth be told, the "run to the light" was really just a line stolen from the old Don Imus radio show, when the ghost of Richard Nixon would periodically do a guest segment.
Almost got hit from a vehicle running from the police.

He wrecked shortly after, was killed instantly.

The medical examiner had me write a report it was so close.

I was only 5 minutes from home. I was still shaking like crazy and holding back tears when I got home.
So basically, having reviewed the thread, no one has.

A near death experience is one of those things where you hear a voice saying "Run to the Light!!!"
I slide on the ground long enough for time to slow down and had time to think "just keep your head off the ground, just keep your head off the ground, Im going to ****ing die" fwiw.
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I came close to drowning twice. First time was at the beach in South Jersey when I was about 12 or 13. It was late in the afternoon and most people had left. Got caught in a riptide, panicked and went under twice before my feet found bottom. Second time I was 16 in South Beach on a small sailboat, like a Sunfish, and got knocked into the water by the boom when coming about. I got all tangled up in the rigging under the boat. This time, though, I didn't panic, untangled myself, and was able to climb back on. My glasses are still somewhere on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
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I nearly drowned when I was 8. Blacked out underwater and resussed on the side.

Next closest thing was something smacking my windshield on the highway. I discovered later it was a piece of my own car that just decided to come off for no reason. If it hit the windshield the right way to break through and strike me, I'd have been gone in a flash with no clue what happened.
There you go. Igor is the only one qualified to speak on this subject.

Glad to have you here, Igor. Certainly better than a night on Bald Mountain.

Also, truth be told, the "run to the light" was really just a line stolen from the old Don Imus radio show, when the ghost of Richard Nixon would periodically do a guest segment.
I appreciate the reference. For accuracy's sake, that etude was written by Mussorgsky. And the popularly known version is believed to have been revised by Rimsky-Korsakov after Mussorgsky's death. Stravinsky did Rite of Spring.
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One night my grandpa and I were coming home from fishing at a farm pond. I was probably 10 years old, so it was the mid 90's. It was after dark, and we were on a highway, going probably 60-65ish mph in his Bronco.. We went up over a hill, and started coming down the other side, and there was a fully grown bull standing in our lane probably 30-40 feet in front of us. The old sumbitch somehow was able to maneuver around it without rolling the truck, and without going into the ditch. Once I got to driving age, I realized just how impossible what he did was. I still don't know how he did it without crashing. After we got passed it, he pulled over and got the bull off the road, back in the pasture, and shut the opened gate.

Anyways, I don't know if I would have died, but hitting a full grown bull which probably weighed somewhere around 1.5-2K pounds, would not have ended well for us.
I had a Tree, NOTHING, wrong with it, that I had put a Tree stand in 2 years earlier, I went out one morning and the entire thing was on the ground.
---it's one thing to get your sea legs and trust the tree in decent winds with experience, now that I've seen that, I've lost everything. I had checked it like a week before, if I had been in it, that's a 20 foot bodyslam from a Oak Tree.

Oh yeah, I've had a tree stand incident as well.

The tree was fine, but as I was climbing I had to get over a big limb and found myself hanging on for dear life.

I've always used a lifeline but I had to unhook because of the limb.

Luckily I had the strength to pull myself up, otherwise I would have fallen a good 20 ft.

You're either breaking all your bones, getting paralyzed, or dead. It's why I "always" use a lifeline.
Oh yeah, I've had a tree stand incident as well.

The tree was fine, but as I was climbing I had to get over a big limb and found myself hanging on for dear life.

I've always used a lifeline but I had to unhook because of the limb.

Luckily I had the strength to pull myself up, otherwise I would have fallen a good 20 ft.

You're either breaking all your bones, getting paralyzed, or dead. It's why I "always" use a lifeline.
100% on safety harness. Though i do get lazy on climbs. The spooky part about that was, how many times have you been up in a windstorm and blowing 1 foot each way and had to tell yourself "the tree has never fallen, it isn't going to do it now". And then one fell....
I appreciate the reference. For accuracy's sake, that etude was written by Mussorgsky. And the popularly known version is believed to have been revised by Rimsky-Korsakov after Mussorgsky's death. Stravinsky did Rite of Spring.
Buddy and I Pulled a Honda Goldwing motorcycle from the back of my uncle’s machine shed. Hadn’t seen the light of day in decades. Somehow got it started. Never checked the tires or anything. Immediately got on it and going 100 mph 5 mins later on a small, 2 lane country road in Iowa. It all worked out, I’m still here, but I shouldn’t be
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I survived a major airline crash, back in 2004, Sydney to LA. Terrible weather and we lost communication with air traffic control. The plane literally broke into three pieces over the water, near a small chain of islands. I was in the tail section, only a few of us survived.
I survived a major airline crash, back in 2004, Sydney to LA. Terrible weather and we lost communication with air traffic control. The plane literally broke into three pieces over the water, near a small chain of islands. I was in the tail section, only a few of us survived.

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I survived a major airline crash, back in 2004, Sydney to LA. Terrible weather and we lost communication with air traffic control. The plane literally broke into three pieces over the water, near a small chain of islands. I was in the tail section, only a few of us survived.
lost jack GIF
A couple three or four now.

1. Meningitis at 18 months old. Don’t remember it at all. Docs told my parents if they had waited another hour to bring me in I wouldn’t be here.

2. Shell Rock damn. One summer during a severe drought when I was all of 12 or so. My friends and cousin were doing what kids do. I lead the walk out across the damn because that’s who I tried to be. Hit a hole and fell in. Wasn’t much water but was enough to roll me around for what felt like ages. Calling for help when I could. Eventually threw a hand out and someone grabbed it.

3. 6 grade dad took us out to Cali. Was on a board on a wave and somehow it all went tits up. Board knocked me on the head unconscious. Opened my eyes on the beach.

4th. Yeah I’m not talking about that.

Been on the verge of death most my life it’s felt like.
It took me awhile to process this and post it to HBOT, but last Tuesday I was driving on the highway and a freaking Tesla blew by me on the right side like I was standing still (I was doing 70 mph), hit a retaining wall, and bounced back into the traffic lanes hitting the car in front of me. Both vehicles started spinning and by the grace of God I threaded the needle and wasn't involved in the accident.
This isn't the first time a highway crash happened right in front of my eyes and I avoided becoming part of the crash. At least two other times in the past five years.

Am I lucky or unlucky? Should I stop driving before my luck runs out?

Help me process this HBOT. TIA.
Why were you in the left lane making the Tesla pass you on the right?
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And so many involve car accidents. 😳
I’ve had a couple of brushes with the Grim Reaper myself but I just consider myself very fortunate.

The 32,479 traffic fatalities in 2011 were the lowest in 62 years, since 1949.
In 2022, there were 42,795 total motor vehicle fatalities.

I would bet the lion's share of that increase, and the overall, are due to distracted drivers (read: phones).
The cars didn't become 33% less safe.

Self driving cars will probably save 1 million lives in the first three decades of widespread use.
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Heading west bound on Cty Rc 42 in Burnsville Nov 2015.. About 5:15pm in the evening, sun is down and its raining. 3 lanes heading west I'm in the fair left about 30-40 yards behind doing around 40 mph. All the sudden the car in front of me goes left and the car to the right of goes right and all the sudden I'm seeing headlight heading right for me. Split decision I serve right knowing no one is to the right of me the oncoming car hit my left front bumper and driver side mirror. Then proceeds to hit the median curb and fly in the air going back into the east bound lane. I pulled over to the left and called 911. They said they were on their way already due to an accident a block west of me (turns out he had just hit a car up there as well). 2 min later cop shows up and asked who hit me. I pointed to the guy 75 yards up the hill to the east saying that guy, he had hit a rail and stopped. Cop was stunned and said how? I answered "No clue sir, I was shocked to see beams heading right at me."
Physically I was fine, but another foot to the right and I'm not walking for a while. 2 feet to the right and I'm probably not here today.
Turns out the guy was having a medical emergency and that was why he was swerving all over the road.
He had the most damage to his car and injuries. Me and 2 other cars didn't have any injuries, just damage to cars.
I don’t know if I’d call this near death, but it was scary as hell.

It happened back when I was working full time as a mason, probably 15 years ago. I was jumping back onto the foot plank, about a 4 foot drop, and unfortunately landed on just one of the plank instead of both like I was trying to do. Needless to say, I broke that plank and fell 10 feet right on my ass on the footings. I fell in between two 4 ft rerods sticking up out of the footings without the OSHA mandated caps on them. If I would have been a foot to the left or right I would have been skewered. I was pretty shaken up but lucky to only have a bruised ass and leg.
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I have two sort of, neither likely qualify for most here. I

#1 A bull attacks my father while we are sorting the bull away from the cows. The bull isn't happy we are c-blocking him and corners my father by two gates. He happens to have a log chain and is on the way to the truck. He takes hook part of the log chain and hits the bull on the head, gets just enough time to stun the bull allowing him to jump the fence. The bull then turns to me (and brothers) we ran and jumped across a trench in the pasture. The bull didn't bother following us.

#2 When in high school we were looking to have a townie buy us some beer. We said we'd pay him and extra $20 to buy a 12 pack. He said sure, gets in the car and while sitting behind me, has a knife to my throat while I'm driving. He still bought us beer, but it could have gone very bad.

edit to add a #3
I was maybe 11-12 years old. I was climbing up to the hay mow. The barn was full higher than the ladder was (the board nailed across beams type). I was 15-20 feet off the ground. I pulled on a rope, seemed to be snug to something. Then as I put my weight on the rope, it gives. I landed my back on top of a pig walking beneath me. I would have landed on concrete with some dirt and stray straw.
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I fell in between two 4 ft rerods sticking up out of the footings without the OSHA mandated caps on them. If I would have been a foot to the left or right I would have been skewered. I was pretty shaken up but lucky to only have a bruised ass and leg.

I remember a Reader’s Digest ‘Drama in Real Life’, or whatever they called it, where a construction worker fell into a pit with rebar like that and was skewered on them. They had to cut them off and transport him to the hospital with the rebar in him because they were afraid they’d create an unsurvivable bleed if they removed them outside the operating room.

I remember a Reader’s Digest ‘Drama in Real Life’, or whatever they called it, where a construction worker fell into a pit with rebar like that and was skewered on them. They had to cut them off and transport him to the hospital with the rebar in him because they were afraid they’d create an unsurvivable bleed if they removed them outside the operating room.

I saw a guy die on a job site after he was impaled by rebar.
Oh yeah, I've had a tree stand incident as well.

The tree was fine, but as I was climbing I had to get over a big limb and found myself hanging on for dear life.

I've always used a lifeline but I had to unhook because of the limb.

Luckily I had the strength to pull myself up, otherwise I would have fallen a good 20 ft.

You're either breaking all your bones, getting paralyzed, or dead. It's why I "always" use a lifeline.

20 feet? You just need to know how to roll with the fall.
Glad you made it OP, but you should have stopped. That was a dick move. Again, glad you are safe.

I don't talk about my near death experiences. Healthier that way.

It was an interstate full of cars. Plenty of other witnesses. I had a business meeting to get to.
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Just admit you're a left lane lounging POS. We all already know.

This was on I-40 East near Burlington, NC. Four lanes both ways. I was in the lane next to the slow lane. The Tesla roared by me in the slow lane and hit the wall.
It took me awhile to process this and post it to HBOT, but last Tuesday I was driving on the highway and a freaking Tesla blew by me on the right side like I was standing still (I was doing 70 mph), hit a retaining wall, and bounced back into the traffic lanes hitting the car in front of me. Both vehicles started spinning and by the grace of God I threaded the needle and wasn't involved in the accident.
This isn't the first time a highway crash happened right in front of my eyes and I avoided becoming part of the crash. At least two other times in the past five years.

Am I lucky or unlucky? Should I stop driving before my luck runs out?

Help me process this HBOT. TIA.

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