Flo's video on new rules

This will be awful and exciting at the same time. There will be more uncertain outcomes and upsets. When will the NCAA learn to keep the rules simple to officiate? Many wanted a push out rule and instead we got mayhem.
I think if both guys are on their back then neither should be getting back points. If one guy is holding a guy on his back after being warned and given 3 seconds maybe just maybe he is being controlled and points should be getting scored. I don't think it is going to be as bad as these guys are making it seem. If it creates a few more opportunities to score great. I think it will reward better wrestlers. Unlike the current push out rule that still sometimes rewards crappy wrestlers getting "pushed" out.
Do we really want to give the officials more discretion and more to interpet. Too many officials are now going to determine the outcome of matches. Plus, now having to relearn your style of wrestling for many. IMO rule is gone next year...or at the very least modified. We once again have theory over riding reality.
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So roly poly wrestling is awarded 6 points. Nice work NCAA.

I have to admit I love watching Askren's demonstration and how funky he is in the different positions
So roly poly wrestling is awarded 6 points. Nice work NCAA.

I have to admit I love watching Askren's demonstration and how funky he is in the different positions
No, holding a guy on his back for 7 seconds is awarded six points in a scramble (3 for the TD and 4 more for the back points). Should you be able to lay on your back for 7 seconds and give up no points?

I think this is going to be a good rule, it will penalize laying on your back.
Sure there will be some tough situations that will be hard to call, but I think they'll be few and far between. It's already hard to call a takedown half of the time. That is the nature of the sport that is so fluid. Calls are hard.
No, holding a guy on his back for 7 seconds is awarded six points in a scramble (3 for the TD and 4 more for the back points). Should you be able to lay on your back for 7 seconds and give up no points?

I think this is going to be a good rule, it will penalize laying on your back.
Sure there will be some tough situations that will be hard to call, but I think they'll be few and far between. It's already hard to call a takedown half of the time. That is the nature of the sport that is so fluid. Calls are hard.
But if you watch the video, I'm more confused because like they showed, its all interpretation as to who is in control. So when a guy is rolling around and thinks he's in control he can still be giving up points. It's going to be confusing for all involved.

But I agree with you that guys like Heil have been getting away with murder for too long
Yeah, there could be shades of gray here. I always like the idea of rewarding initiative and aggression. Freestyle is great for that. Despite Askren's objections, I think these rules will help. College folkstyle just has too much stalling built into it
If there are guys who figure out how to "game" the system and score cheap points from questionable positions, that's still better than some guy nursing a 1-pt lead through several minutes by countering/funking not really designed to score.
I know Askren has talked some trash about Iowa wrestling over the years, but I can't help but like the guy.
Same lol. I'm a Wisconsin guy so I've always liked Askren and just tend to ignore his anti Iowa stuff, most wrestling people from Wisconsin tend to be anti Iowa. Steven Monk went to my HS and was such a huge mentor and friend to me when I got into wrestling, but he doesn't like Iowa either. His mom always reminds me that "Steven never lost to an Iowa wrestler!" lol.
We are making to many funky rules. if officials called stalemates and stalling like they did 20 years ago these rules wouldn't be needed. Go back and watch old matches (Royce Alger vs. Kevin Jackson for example). We need is refs that will not swallow their whistles, it is bad for the sport.
We are making to many funky rules. if officials called stalemates and stalling like they did 20 years ago these rules wouldn't be needed. Go back and watch old matches (Royce Alger vs. Kevin Jackson for example). We need is refs that will not swallow their whistles, it is bad for the sport.

Just talked with a Ncaa official and he thinks within the 1st month we will see this rule go away.
Maybe a stupid question but do you guys think it would be beneficial to bring in someone that is at a high level in BJJ into the HWC? I think it would give our guys new ideas in scramble scenarios like this.
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The refs need to release a video specifically detailing which positions the new rule is targeted for and will be enforced for. Obviously it was not intended for the positions Askren showed but unless they specify it will be a shit show of guys getting TDs with no real control. It was obviously intended for situations where a wrestler flops to his own back in neutral to funk his way out of getting taken down (or reversed when not in neutral) thus creating these head to toe going no where situations. (see Delgado).
I was told the double leg and chest wrap situation where both guys are past 90 no points will be awarded but if 1 guy is 90 and the other guy isn't is when the danger call would be given followed by the 3 count