Forensic analysis determines PP videos NOT MANIPULATED.


HB Legend
May 12, 2009
North Liberty
Sorry progressive conspiracy theorists, but PP sells baby parts for profit.

Commence the in-depth analysis and discredit of Coalfire Systems by the progressive left.

Ahead of what promises to be a volatile hearing on taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, a forensic analysis has determined that a series of disturbing videos showing the group's employees discussing fetal tissue harvesting "are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing."

The results of the analysis were conducted for the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress, and released as Planned Parenthood's president was set to testify on Capitol Hill.

Cecile Richards plans to defend her organization, and, according to prepared testimony, claim the videos were "doctored" in a way to "smear Planned Parenthood."

But the Alliance Defending Freedom engaged cybersecurity and forensic analysis company Coalfire Systems to examine the 10 "full-footage videos" put out by CMP.

According to their review, the videos were not manipulated. The report said any missing footage was of "non-pertinent" events like meals and bathroom breaks.

"The Coalfire forensic analysis removes any doubt that the full length undercover videos released by Center for Medical Progress are authentic and have not been manipulated," ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox said in a statement.

"Analysts scrutinized every second of video recorded during the investigation and released by CMP to date and found only bathroom breaks and other non-pertinent footage had been removed. Planned Parenthood can no longer hide behind a smokescreen of false accusations and should now answer for what appear to be the very real crimes revealed by the CMP investigation."

The 10 videos released so far capture Planned Parenthood officials casually describing how they sometimes obtain tissue from aborted fetuses for researchers. In one video, a doctor for a Planned Parenthood tissue harvesting partner appears to admit a baby's "heart actually is still beating" at times following abortions and an ex-procurement tech gives a first-person account of watching a baby's heart beat before she dissects its brain.

Planned Parenthood foes say the videos show the group breaks federal laws barring for-profit fetal tissue sales and altering abortion procedures to obtain usable organs. Planned Parenthood and its defenders say it's done nothing illegal and says that CMP Project Lead David Daleiden dishonestly edited the videos to distort what was said.

In prepared testimony for her appearance Thursday obtained by Fox News, Richards said Planned Parenthood "is proud of its limited role in supporting fetal tissue research." She said just 1 percent of Planned Parenthood's nearly 700 clinics obtain fetal tissue for researchers seeking disease cures.

She also fires back at Daleiden, calling for him to be investigated after she says he "tried unsuccessfully to entrap Planned Parenthood physicians and staff for nearly three years." Daleiden obtained the videos after posing as an executive of a nonexistent firm that buys fetal tissue for scientists.

"It is clear they acted fraudulently and unethically-and perhaps illegally," Richards says. "Yet it is Planned Parenthood, not Mr. Daleiden, that is currently subject to four separate congressional investigations."

So far, the most damage inflicted on Planned Parenthood by the videos is the insensitive way some of its officials discuss the procedures. That has drawn apologies from Planned Parenthood and bitter criticism from Republicans.

Most Democrats have rallied behind the group, and President Obama has threatened to veto GOP legislation cutting its federal money. Public opinion polls show majorities oppose blocking Planned Parenthood's taxpayer dollars. Departing House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., fearing voter anger, have rebuffed conservatives who would shut down the government if Obama doesn't agree to halt Planned Parenthood's money.

The organization receives about a third of its $1.3 billion annual budget, around $450 million, from federal coffers, chiefly reimbursements for treating Medicaid's low-income patients.
Democrats have used a Senate filibuster -- a virtually endless procedural delay -- to block GOP legislation halting Planned Parenthood's federal payments. So two House committees plan to approve filibuster-proof legislation shifting Planned Parenthood's Medicaid funds -- about $350 million -- to community health centers.

The bill would also keep a promise made during this spring's budget debate to repeal key elements of Obama's signature health care law. Panel votes are expected Tuesday and Wednesday.

In addition to the four congressional committee investigations of Planned Parenthood, Boehner has said he will also appoint a special committee to probe the group.

Planned Parenthood has defended itself with newspaper ads, petition campaigns and lawsuits against state efforts to curb its funding.
So to sum up. Even the analysis by the right finds that the "full" videos were edited. How can the videos be complete when entire meals and other breaks were edited out?
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So to sum up. Even the analysis by the right finds that the "full" videos were edited. How can the videos be complete when entire meals and other breaks were edited out?

For every clip you saw on TV, the ENTIRE video was posted online. Check it out.
So to sum up. Even the analysis by the right finds that the "full" videos were edited. How can the videos be complete when entire meals and other breaks were edited out?
If you are not going to watch them anyway then why does the editing matter?
If you are not going to watch them anyway then why does the editing matter?
Let's get serious here. It's likely nobody on here has watched all 12 hours of them. I'll let the investigators do that work and their findings is that PP did nothing illegal.
Let's get serious here. It's likely nobody on here has watched all 12 hours of them. I'll let the investigators do that work and their findings is that PP did nothing illegal.

Most of us watched more than "snippets".
Let's get serious here. It's likely nobody on here has watched all 12 hours of them. I'll let the investigators do that work and their findings is that PP did nothing illegal.
If you want to get serious on here then you would have to be willing to have some consequences for what PP did. For the overwhelming number of Democrats there is nothing that could come out be it video, e-mail, or death bed confession that would change their view of PP.
"According to their review, the videos were not manipulated. The report said any missing footage was of "non-pertinent" events like meals and bathroom breaks."

Just out of would they know what occurred during the time there was no footage?
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If you want to get serious on here then you would have to be willing to have some consequences for what PP did. For the overwhelming number of Democrats there is nothing that could come out be it video, e-mail, or death bed confession that would change their view of PP.

I'm a supporter of Planned Parenthood. I am not going to revoke that support until they are at least charged with a crime. Being the subject of an extremist hack job doesn't count. Show me some criminal charges.
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If you want to get serious on here then you would have to be willing to have some consequences for what PP did. For the overwhelming number of Democrats there is nothing that could come out be it video, e-mail, or death bed confession that would change their view of PP.

If there were actual evidence of any wrongdoing, of course they should suffer the consequences of said wrongdoing. The recent "sting" operation by a previously proven unscrupulous organization has failed to provide any evidence of wrongdoing.
I'm a supporter of Planned Parenthood. I am not going to revoke that support until they are at least charged with a crime. Being the subject of an extremist hack job doesn't count. Show me some criminal charges.
Do you really think if PP was found to do something illegal that there would be any change in their funding? There would be an outcry and demands for accountability by Democrats but there would be no change in funding.
If there were actual evidence of any wrongdoing, of course they should suffer the consequences of said wrongdoing. The recent "sting" operation by a previously proven unscrupulous organization has failed to provide any evidence of wrongdoing.
But your consequences would stop short of the funding issue.

What sticks out to me in the argument over the legal issues is that what PP officials were talking about doing is illegal. If they did not have an interest in doing it why discuss the how and money? PP could have shut this down and just said we don't do this and there would be no videos.
"According to their review, the videos were not manipulated. The report said any missing footage was of "non-pertinent" events like meals and bathroom breaks."

Just out of would they know what occurred during the time there was no footage?
Aren't they talking about the differences between the released edited videos and the unedited ones?
Do you really think if PP was found to do something illegal that there would be any change in their funding? There would be an outcry and demands for accountability by Democrats but there would be no change in funding.
I don't necessarily think they should change the funding even if they find something illegal. If some doctor in California does something illegal, they should be prosecuted. I don't think you should prevent a PP clinic in Iowa from taking medicaid because of what that doctor did.
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Politically this isn't a legal/illegal issue, this is a moral issue. I don't see anything wrong with these practices being made transparent to the public. The videos show the ugly side of the business and many liberal would rather that ugly side not be known, I get that.

I am prochoice, it really isn't a hot button issue for me, if someone wants to kill their unborn child then have at it. I wish that we would stop hiding/softening things behind labels like "fetal tissue" etc. It's just fully undeveloped baby parts, I don't care if it makes the person getting the abortion feel like a monster, there is no reason to make them feel comfortable about their decision...that isn't our job.

I for one think abortions should remain legal, I think there probably should be a 20 week or so cap on being able to perform one (taking into account exceptions like the safety of the mother) but our politicians will never agree on it bc they want to keep this issue alive. Repub and Dem politicians are not interested in common sense compromise, they need this lightening rod issue to be all in or all out so they can continue to divide the public with it.
I don't necessarily think they should change the funding even if they find something illegal. If some doctor in California does something illegal, they should be prosecuted. I don't think you should prevent a PP clinic in Iowa from taking medicaid because of what that doctor did.

Exactly. Unless it can be proven that there was a nationwide policy of condoning illegal actions it would be like throwing out the baby with the bathwater to punish the entire organization for the actions of one lone person committing illegal activities on their own.
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Again you can't edit out anything and then claim that it was just "unnecessary stuff" and expect everyone to believe you.

You don't prove anything until you released the full unedited videos of everything. That includes all the parts where people are just eating or going to the bathroom.

And by the way I still hate PP, but this sort of thing means nothing. Release the full videos unedited with no parts removed.
If there is right wing money behind "analysis" such as this, it's part of the conservative agenda and therefore corrupt. Just saying.
"According to their review, the videos were not manipulated. The report said any missing footage was of "non-pertinent" events like meals and bathroom breaks."

Just out of would they know what occurred during the time there was no footage?
One possibility would be that a key figure in the video excused herself to go to the bathroom, or someone said something on the order of, "Hey, it's 12:30, let's break for lunch."

This is straw-grasping by the PP defenders, pretty obviously. But it was technically incorrect to call the videos "unedited" if they had been edited, regardless of the relevance of the edit.
I don't necessarily think they should change the funding even if they find something illegal. If some doctor in California does something illegal, they should be prosecuted. I don't think you should prevent a PP clinic in Iowa from taking medicaid because of what that doctor did.
I think this makes a certain amount of sense.
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One possibility would be that a key figure in the video excused herself to go to the bathroom, or someone said something on the order of, "Hey, it's 12:30, let's break for lunch."

This is straw-grasping by the PP defenders, pretty obviously. But it was technically incorrect to call the videos "unedited" if they had been edited, regardless of the relevance of the edit.

I'm just wondering if the truly unedited version contains that footage or if they just turned the camera off. What we have right now is their claim as to what occurred during that time.Trusting anyone to investigate themselves is never a good option.
Again you can't edit out anything and then claim that it was just "unnecessary stuff" and expect everyone to believe you.

You don't prove anything until you released the full unedited videos of everything. That includes all the parts where people are just eating or going to the bathroom.

And by the way I still hate PP, but this sort of thing means nothing. Release the full videos unedited with no parts removed.

If your 'agenda' is to get PP or its members criminally prosecuted for illegal activities, you hand the videos over to the authorities or FBI and keep quiet, so no one gets 'tipped off' within the PP organization. You let the investigation run its course.

If your 'agenda' is a 'hatchet job' to try and get political points, 'defund' PP so it cannot provide preventive care to people, or get public opinion working against PP, you publicly post the videos. But make sure you put heavily edited snips out there first.

Hmmmm....which is it?:confused:
Politically this isn't a legal/illegal issue, this is a moral issue. I don't see anything wrong with these practices being made transparent to the public. The videos show the ugly side of the business and many liberal would rather that ugly side not be known, I get that.

I am prochoice, it really isn't a hot button issue for me, if someone wants to kill their unborn child then have at it. I wish that we would stop hiding/softening things behind labels like "fetal tissue" etc. It's just fully undeveloped baby parts, I don't care if it makes the person getting the abortion feel like a monster, there is no reason to make them feel comfortable about their decision...that isn't our job.

I for one think abortions should remain legal, I think there probably should be a 20 week or so cap on being able to perform one (taking into account exceptions like the safety of the mother) but our politicians will never agree on it bc they want to keep this issue alive. Repub and Dem politicians are not interested in common sense compromise, they need this lightening rod issue to be all in or all out so they can continue to divide the public with it.

I don't think they necessarily want it. I think the crazies still want this. Look at the crazies on this board. There are so many religious nutjobs that are categorically against any sensible compromise on something the SCOTUS ruled legal like 40 years ago. Because god told them it's wrong. That god guy sucks.
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If you want to get serious on here then you would have to be willing to have some consequences for what PP did. For the overwhelming number of Democrats there is nothing that could come out be it video, e-mail, or death bed confession that would change their view of PP.
Why would PP have to face consequences for no wrong doing?
"According to their review, the videos were not manipulated. The report said any missing footage was of "non-pertinent" events like meals and bathroom breaks."

Just out of would they know what occurred during the time there was no footage?
They don't. It's a credibility issue. The group releasing these videos first claimed they proved illegal activity. They don't. They then claimed to supply the interviews in their entirety. They didn't. So why should we believe them when they now claim that they edited out only non-pertinent items?
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Do you really think if PP was found to do something illegal that there would be any change in their funding? There would be an outcry and demands for accountability by Democrats but there would be no change in funding.
Absolutely. But there has to be evidence first. And that illegal activity has to be shown to be condoned by PP and not just some rogue doctor.
I don't care if it makes the person getting the abortion feel like a monster, there is no reason to make them feel comfortable about their decision...that isn't our job.

Of COURSE it's OUR job!!!
The Bible CLEARLY tells us it's OUR job, because if WE don't do it, who will!!!???

The Bible tells us to point out the sliver in our neighbor's eye, take it out and keep stabbing him with it until he/she admits s/he's a sinner:

And it tells us that those of us who are 'without sin' should just stand back and let the ones who have past sins start casting stones as fast as possible at the current sinners:

If you don't judge other people, and may them pay for their sins, you just aren't a 'true Christian' anymore...
Nice calculated way of describing your reply here, asshole. You sir, are the single biggest joke on the internet for today, as evidence by this utterly retarded phrasing your response contains.

And yes, I'll say it again unless you don't get it. ASSHOLE.

Too bad you weren't aborted. Save your mother the time you had to come back home and live when you failed at life. Try to stick with the weather report and how to setup an outdoor antenna and leave the emotional conversations to the adults of this board. You apparently can't handle the conversation without your childish outbursts.
Nice calculated way of describing your reply here, asshole. You sir, are the single biggest joke on the internet for today, as evidence by this utterly retarded phrasing your response contains.

And yes, I'll say it again unless you don't get it. ASSHOLE.
The only joke in this thread appears to be you with junior high posts like this.
If your 'agenda' is to get PP or its members criminally prosecuted for illegal activities, you hand the videos over to the authorities or FBI and keep quiet, so no one gets 'tipped off' within the PP organization. You let the investigation run its course.

If your 'agenda' is a 'hatchet job' to try and get political points, 'defund' PP so it cannot provide preventive care to people, or get public opinion working against PP, you publicly post the videos. But make sure you put heavily edited snips out there first.

Hmmmm....which is it?:confused:

Quite frankly if I had footage proving illegal activities by PP I wouldn't trust the Obama justice department to do anything about it. So while I would provide this information to the FBI, I would also make it public as well.

Obama's already made liberal use of not enforcing laws on the books. What's to make me think that he wouldn't do the same thing with a organization that contributes to him and his party every year.
Politically this isn't a legal/illegal issue, this is a moral issue. I don't see anything wrong with these practices being made transparent to the public. The videos show the ugly side of the business and many liberal would rather that ugly side not be known, I get that.

I am prochoice, it really isn't a hot button issue for me, if someone wants to kill their unborn child then have at it. I wish that we would stop hiding/softening things behind labels like "fetal tissue" etc. It's just fully undeveloped baby parts, I don't care if it makes the person getting the abortion feel like a monster, there is no reason to make them feel comfortable about their decision...that isn't our job.

I for one think abortions should remain legal, I think there probably should be a 20 week or so cap on being able to perform one (taking into account exceptions like the safety of the mother) but our politicians will never agree on it bc they want to keep this issue alive. Repub and Dem politicians are not interested in common sense compromise, they need this lightening rod issue to be all in or all out so they can continue to divide the public with it.

The problem is that there can be no compromise when it comes to human lives. . . Period Full Stop

Would you have compromised with Hitler or Stalin over which people they could have killed??

If you believe these are human lives (as I do) then compromising on which ones are ok to kill is entirely immoral.

I could compromise on tax policy, minimum wage, divorce laws, healthcare to some extent, etc etc. . . you don't compromise on human lives.
My god you are touchy. Oh shit. I didn't capitalize god. I bet I'm an asshole too?

If a person is to be taken seriously in a subject such as this (and remember...I am for legalized abortion - yet republican), using a phrase such as "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" is not the way to go around it.

It's something an asshole would do. And I called him on it. You all can hail ciggy as an indispensable poster around these parts, but to me he's just another copy and paste shill who like his brothers on his side of the aisle are the very textbook definition of tone-deaf. Whenever they stray from script, we get marvelous examples of their true persona such as a post like that. He was mocking the subject, and in doing so displayed his true colors on how exceedingly easy it is for his side to be just as big a collective walking, talking rectum just like the very people they ridicule.

And if you knew my posting habits well, you'd also know I'm not religious (yet republican) in any way, shape or form. I just choose to be respectful of those that are by using the words "gawd" and "jebus".

It isn't that hard, slieb. It really isn't. All I ask for is posters to rise above 3rd grader crap like that.
It isn't that hard, slieb. It really isn't. All I ask for is posters to rise above 3rd grader crap like that

But your response to him was way more childish than his. So practice what you preach or stay out of the emotional threads that are going to cause you to outburst like you did.
The problem is that there can be no compromise when it comes to human lives.

...and your problem is with what you decide to define as a 'human life'. If fertilized eggs ('babies'?) are as sacred as you want them to be, there is simply no way that God would allow ~30% of them to self-terminate naturally in the first trimester.

I am in agreement that late term (3rd trimester) abortions should be widely illegal and uncommon, especially in cases where the fetus is viable WITHOUT the need for extensive preemie care (just because we CAN keep an early-term baby alive doesn't REQUIRE that level of intervention if survival is not likely without significant intervention).
The problem is that there can be no compromise when it comes to human lives. . . Period Full Stop

Would you have compromised with Hitler or Stalin over which people they could have killed??

If you believe these are human lives (as I do) then compromising on which ones are ok to kill is entirely immoral.

I could compromise on tax policy, minimum wage, divorce laws, healthcare to some extent, etc etc. . . you don't compromise on human lives.

Then you will never win the argument and Roe will not be overturned.
I'm just wondering if the truly unedited version contains that footage or if they just turned the camera off. What we have right now is their claim as to what occurred during that time.Trusting anyone to investigate themselves is never a good option.

As someone who works in video as well as still photography, you are constantly starting and stopping a camera to save hard drive space and battery. It will make the video footage look like it was edited. However, the importance is what is contained in the images/footage you do have. IF that has not been tampered with......then the fact that the camera started and stopped at certain points is irrelevant.
No. YOU don't compromise on "human lives" but the people on the fringe of any conversation are never taken seriously. The rest of us would like some compromise.

Abolitionists where never taken seriously either. Doesn't bother me all that much.

Being morally right is far more important then being taken seriously.

Maybe history will justify me eventually, maybe not. I don't really trust human decision making all that much anyways.