I don't disagree in principal with what you're saying.
That said, as someone who lost one sibling due to a life threatening illness, and who has never had the joy of knowing another sibling, due to a life threatening illness, I'm completely on board and supportive of using all aborted fetuses in the best scientific way possible. Would I prefer we spoke about it in better terms? Sure. Would I sacrifice the chance that your kid or my kid could have a life-threatening illness cured because I don't want fetuses to be used in such a "cavalier" manner? Not a freaking chance. These videos were created in a manner that made PP believe they were speaking with other professionals in an industry that saves lives. They aren't going to beat around the bush and talk about aborted fetuses like they are our children. And I don't blame them for that one bit. These are serious life and death issues, and the people who work in these industries aren't thinking about the fetuses as our children, they are thinking about them as tissue, and that's the way it should be.
The problem I really have about this, is the nuanced discussion you and I are having is not the one that is happening. It's "baby killers for profit", and that is because of these groups. They've screwed up a normal and healthy debate to interject their nonsense.
Well you and I both have our point of views and I respect yours. I understand the need for science and discovering cures. I just don't want to see it come at the expense of a 2nd or 3rd term abortion of a healthy baby. That child was meant to live.