Former Facebook and Nike diversity manager gets 5 years in prison for $5 million fraud

Dude! OP really got the libs with this one!!

boom smile GIF
This would be a good opportunity for one of the libs to use tenet 5 of CRT: the critique of liberalism to evaluate if a democracy is infact capable of DEI.

Spoiler, CRT is going to tell you the more a voting majority does, the more it actually negativity impacts the minority, which is this case may have merit.
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Facebook is a drug dealer. Going to be interesting.. if big tobacco got sued. Why not Facebook
This would be a good opportunity for one of the libs to use tenet 5 of CRT: the critique of liberalism to evaluate if a democracy is infact capable of DEI.

Spoiler, CRT is going to tell you the more a voting majority does, the more it actually negativity impacts the minority, which is this case may have merit.

Whatever you did to arrive at this post was clearly time well spent
Republicans love DEI when it benefits them. See the electoral college which is DEI for republicans.
It kind of is actually... Based on common sense instead of race and sexual identity, but it does serve to give voice to people who would otherwise be marginalized...

Of course, it's not only for the benefit of Republicans but for Dems or other parties as well, but it guards against geography-based marginalization.
Educate yourself, might be a fun exercise.
I have a different approach to CRT.

- Son came home yesterday telling me his friend "got in trouble" for saying something racist (the kid, himself is a minority).

- Son explained what happened. I told him what had occurred was not racism.

- Son asked me to better explain racism.

- I explained racism.

- Son said, "That's just dumb! Who cares what color a person's skin is?"

- Me: "Exactly. In this house we care about character not color. (Note: My son didn't even realize his sister's 2-year boyfriend was South Korean and technically a minority).

Lesson over.
I have a different approach to CRT.

- Son came home yesterday telling me his friend "got in trouble" for saying something racist (the kid, himself is a minority).

- Son explained what happened. I told him what had occurred was not racism.

- Son asked me to better explain racism.

- I explained racism.

- Son said, "That's just dumb! Who cares what color a person's skin is?"

- Me: "Exactly. In this house we care about character not color. (Note: My son didn't even realize his sister's 2-year boyfriend was South Korean and technically a minority).

Lesson over.
That's decent parenting but has absolutely zero to do with crt.
That's decent parenting but has absolutely zero to do with crt.
Ahhh, racism has zilch to do with CRT. ✅

Critical Race Theory is an academic framework that examines society and culture as they relate to race, law, and power. CRT posits that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice but is also embedded in legal systems and policies. It examines:
  1. Institutional Racism
  2. Intersectionality
  3. Social Construction of Race
  4. Challenging the Dominant Narrative
  5. Interest Convergence
Ahhh, racism has zilch to do with CRT. ✅

Critical Race Theory is an academic framework that examines society and culture as they relate to race, law, and power. CRT posits that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice but is also embedded in legal systems and policies. It examines:
  1. Institutional Racism
  2. Intersectionality
  3. Social Construction of Race
  4. Challenging the Dominant Narrative
  5. Interest Convergence
Thank you for the copy paste answer on what is CRT.

That was a Cid post if there ever was one.

It's a little higher level than "crt talks about racism". Crt has more to it than that. Also, I laugh at how much academia has tried to change the language of CRT.

"Interest convergence" is a hell of a lot more palpable for soy boys than "the critique of liberalism" as it was originally written.
Ahhh, racism has zilch to do with CRT. ✅

Critical Race Theory is an academic framework that examines society and culture as they relate to race, law, and power. CRT posits that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice but is also embedded in legal systems and policies. It examines:
  1. Institutional Racism
  2. Intersectionality
  3. Social Construction of Race
  4. Challenging the Dominant Narrative
  5. Interest Convergence

CRT, before it became a grievance refrain of MAGA, was an elective class for 2nd and 3rd year law students.
i'm so disappointed in my time spent at the liberal indoctrination facility (aka "college")

never once did anyone ever mention or discuss CRT

i had to hear about it from my dumbest uncle on facebook...
So I should have written made up my own definition? What a weird take.
No, but that's like me saying someone should look at how tire pressure impacts fuel milage and how there one example of a often discussed theory that it isn't impacted at high altitude that we have an example to look at and you walking over and going.

Fuel. Air. Compression. Ignition. Engine go bang.

And you are better than that.
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High school college or college grad school?

it does surprise me you didn't learn about those. I'm 08( UG) 14( Grad) and holy shit did we have to debate it 6 ways from Sunday. I was also a psych major fwiw.
Always fascinating how rustled some people get over diversity and CRT.
Great opportunity to evaluate tenet 5 here.

Can a voting majority actually vote in the best interest of the minority or is democracy inherently predisposed to the ruling class subconsciously helping themselves?
Noticing a trend among even the "highest regararded" amongst the DEI crowd. Fraud and theft seem to be key character traits for these people. They even let that cheat Claudine gay keep her salary after being revealed to have plagiarized just about all of her doctoral work. Why? Because she's black and milking that card for everything it's worth. Amazing that institutions like Harvard, Nike, Facebook, etc will let these crooks destroy their brand reputation so brazenly and still openly encourage it. Leftists will be leftists I suppose.

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