Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger joins CNN


HB King
May 29, 2001
Adam Kinzinger has begun his next act after leaving Congress, signing on with CNN as a senior political commentator.

The cable news channel announced the hire Wednesday. “Happy to join the team,” Kinzinger tweeted.
The former GOP U.S. representative from Illinois’ 16th Congressional District this month wrapped up his 12-year run as a lawmaker and prominent and outspoken member of the Jan. 6 investigation committee.

In discussing his future last month in a Sun-Times interview, Kinzinger said TV work was a possibility “because I think it’s a way to be able to stay kind of out there.”
He added that he would continue to be active with Country First, a political movement he started, and is “definitely interested” in writing a book.

As for another run for office, “I would love to get back involved at some point again,” he said, whether “that’s eventually a presidential run, whether it’s governor or Senate.
“But I’m also 44, and I’ve got plenty of time.”
Before entering politics, Kinzinger served in the Air Force in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he remains a pilot with the Air National Guard.

Good. I like him. I like him more now that I know he's a pilot and since CNN mostly sucks, I'm glad he's on.

Laura Coates might be brilliant but her damn voice. Ugh.
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How does CNN including a distinguished former Republican member of the House make CNN a cult?
How does CNN including a distinguished former Republican member of the House make CNN a cult?
How does CNN including a distinguished former Republican member of the House make CNN a cult?
How does CNN including a distinguished former Republican member of the House make CNN a cult?
My bad…I confused this dude with Swalwell.
Unfortunately, despite his Republican policy voting doesn’t overcome him having a backbone and not kneeling before the MAGA cult leader. I’d vote for him, but he has no chance.
I disagree ... he might be just what the doctor ordered. He showed he will stand up to the Trumps of the world and those are the kind of people we want in office (despite his politics, which I may not agree with, but I don't hesitate to at least trust him to do the right thing for the country). If there is going to be a NEW GOP more to the middle, he is the guy I would support. For me, if the Dems go too far to the left, I need a viable alternative.
I disagree ... he might be just what the doctor ordered. He showed he will stand up to the Trumps of the world and those are the kind of people we want in office (despite his politics, which I may not agree with, but I don't hesitate to at least trust him to do the right thing for the country). If there is going to be a NEW GOP more to the middle, he is the guy I would support. For me, if the Dems go too far to the left, I need a viable alternative.
I honestly don't know, but what in Kinzinger's voting record, besides not kowtowing to Trump, indicates that he is "more to the middle"?

Edit: But it would be refreshing to argue about policy rather than whether basic democratic norms are worth maintaining.
I disagree ... he might be just what the doctor ordered. He showed he will stand up to the Trumps of the world and those are the kind of people we want in office (despite his politics, which I may not agree with, but I don't hesitate to at least trust him to do the right thing for the country). If there is going to be a NEW GOP more to the middle, he is the guy I would support. For me, if the Dems go too far to the left, I need a viable alternative.
I’d vote for him in a heartbeat, but I’m afraid my party is too far gone.
I honestly don't know, but what in Kinzinger's voting record, besides not kowtowing to Trump, indicates that he is "more to the middle"?

Edit: But it would be refreshing to argue about policy rather than whether basic democratic norms are worth maintaining.
Fair point, which just shows how desperate we have become for decent candidates ;-)
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I have no issue with CNN hiring him...but what exactly makes him distinguished?
He publicly disagreed with Trump and the majority of Congressional That alone”distinguishes” him. His hometown district (Peoria) is probably as “traditional Republican” as any in America. He was America’s manufacturing industry Congressman as he repped his hometown industry(Caterpillar).
He publicly disagreed with Trump and the majority of Congressional That alone”distinguishes” him. His hometown district (Peoria) is probably as “traditional Republican” as any in America. He was America’s manufacturing industry Congressman as he repped his hometown industry(Caterpillar).
And his reward was being drawn out of his district.
How distinguishing.
He was a good member of Congress. What makes him anything other than distinguished.
Nothing makes him anything other than a guy doing his job, but that was what I was implying in my question.
We should be electing our representatives because they’re already distinguished members of our communities in the first place.
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Nothing makes him anything other than a guy doing his job, but that was what I was implying in my question.
We should be electing our representatives because they’re already distinguished members of our communities in the first place.
And Adam didn’t fit that mold?
I dont understand? The Congressman retired from office on his own volition. Actually, he got tired of the direction of his PARTY in Congress.....It was his decision.....he probably would have been "primaried' as he was not a MAGA/Trumper.
The only
Reason he got the job is because he is willing to bad mouth the GOP….and CNN only hires those types.

The GOP doesn’t respect the guy at all. The democrats don’t either but he is their little puppet now
I dont understand? The Congressman retired from office on his own volition. Actually, he got tired of the direction of his PARTY in Congress.....It was his decision.....he probably would have been "primaried' as he was not a MAGA/Trumper.

Oh brother. Thank you spin doctor.
He “retired” because his district was redrawn to favor Dems.
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They don’t respect him because he didn’t blow Donald. They respected the shit out of him for many years in the past.
You don’t turn in your party.

It’s like Joe Manchin. He does something that doesn’t go along with the party and boom…everyone hates him
Nothing makes him anything other than a guy doing his job, but that was what I was implying in my question.
We should be electing our representatives because they’re already distinguished members of our communities in the first place.
The fact that "just doing his job" makes him distinguished is a sad commentary on the state of the GOP.
He did fit that mold. Stop trying to argue when we don’t have a huge difference of opinion.
Go get in a line somewhere. 🙄
You asked a question. I asked you a question back. That’s how discussions are had.
@goldmom is correct. I live in Illinois and his district was
reconfigured to favor Democrats. The district in which I
reside is adjacent to the one Kinzinger represented. My
newly configured district elected a Republican.
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You don’t turn in your party.

It’s like Joe Manchin. He does something that doesn’t go along with the party and boom…everyone hates him
I would beg to differ ... If the head of your Party commits treason, thats a pretty good excuse to abandon it (after countless other gutless members of said party stand by and watch it and don't take action).
And the pride of Lower Alabama, Mr. Matt Gaetz, just nominated Donald Trump for Speaker.
We’ve now entered clown territory.
And yet you didn’t leave it there when I answered your first one.
I was unaware that you were appointed as the arbiter of the number of questions I could ask. You still calling for me to be banned on ESB?