Personal server, private server, what ever you want to call it, still against State Department guidelines. And now the FBI may start looking into the deleted emails.
As I'd already posted, it was NOT against policies, per government spokespersons, and prior precedent had been set by previous SoS's that had already used personal email accounts. Those were in Republican administrations. If the rules changed, did they change before, or after her stint as SoS? Was that formally communicated anywhere?
Do you not understand the difference between a 'server' and an 'email account'? The server is irrelevant.
The more Op-Ed disinformation that gets posted in this thread really makes me lean toward this as a completely political hatchet job and media circus, than a real investigation.
We'll see what the FBI investigation turns up, but what I've seen formally reported is that they are less concerned with her 'personal email' or 'server' as they are with how certain confidential information made it onto unsecure email systems (government systems or otherwise). That is most likely to be the ultimate issue here.
I'm not a HC apologist by any stretch, but I am amazed at the lemming-like stupidity of some folks here in reading generalized headlines and jumping off the cliff of conclusions....