Fort Dodge……WTF?!

Rabiners really doesn't do that great job IMHO. Had a client that worked there. Kids escaping all the damn time. It was that way 10 years ago at least.

The Dodge has all kinds of issues.

The prison there, the halfway houses, poor public educational system as the wealthy can afford FD St Emonds.

Alot of the "old jobs" have went away. Gypsum mining requires random drug tests.

A lot of white flight to other towns.
Christ, this thread reminds me of non-Iowa fans telling Iowa fans the real facts about Iowa athletics..................laugh my ass off.
In an order to show cause for contempt of court, the judge wrote that Brown threw the photo of Grover at the defendant before standing up and charging toward the counsel table where Altman was sitting with his attorney.

Court transcripts show Brown shouted statements like "You killed my (expletive) son, when you touch ground I’m going to kill you, (expletive)" and "You killed my (expletive) son for no reason. (Expletive), you can’t even say you’re sorry" and other profane death threats.

Can't say I blame the man.