Fortune teller takes "evil" – and $12,000 – out of man's life


HB King
May 29, 2001
Who'd have ever thunk such a thing!

A fortune teller who claimed she could rid an Omaha man of evil has disappeared — and so has his $12,000.

According to an Omaha Police Department report, the 27-year-old man came to Central Police Headquarters June 15 to report a theft. A tarot card reader near 20th and Oak Streets told him that if he gave her $12,000 to hold for a month, he would be rid of evil.

The man hasn’t been able to reach the woman since. An answering machine message at the tarot card shop says the person “is not accepting calls at this time.”
Some gal in Pennsylvania just went got charged for the exact same thing. I don't feel like it's a crime if someone gave them the money in the first place. We all have buyer's remorse for some of things we purchase but some just have it more than others. This guy had to learn the lesson the hard way unfortunately.
I have a buddy who has a subordinate at work who is getting scammed over a mail order bride. It's a never ending stream of e-mails and calls my friend says to the guy about customs issues, and for $1000 more it should be resolved. My friend said the guy is $8000 in the hole on this scam.
At one point they even told the sap that she was on a plane, and the guy went to the airport to get her, only to find US Customs had held her up and sent her back. $1000 was needed for that.
Rid of evil? Judging by her photo, that woman couldn't even rid me of semen.