Friday Prayer/Meditation Thread


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Aug 7, 2019
Greetings everyone! Hope you enjoyed your week!

Please post prayers or meditation tips. Please do not turn this into a political debate, we have plenty of other threads for that.
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Second prayer for a truly sad soul. Hope you can find happiness and cure the hatred in your heart! Have a great weekend
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First prayer is for you! May the Lord cure the hatred in your heart! Amen
Facts = hate?

Poster was even celebrating the fact…notice the exclamation points? How can any of that be (mis)construed as hate? T’s and P’s if any of this is lost in you.
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Greetings everyone! Hope you enjoyed your week!

Please post prayers or meditation tips. Please do not turn this into a political debate, we have plenty of other threads for that.

Please pray for my sister's friend Courtney. She's having some mental health issues.

(No pics of either.)
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Facts = hate?

Poster was even celebrating the fact…notice the exclamation points? How can any of that be (mis)construed as hate? T’s and P’s if any of this is lost in you.
Not clever. Try again. Actually don’t. Just like posts or laugh at them, you’re better off as an observer. I pray for you!
Please pray for my sister's friend Courtney. She's having some mental health issues.

(No pics of either.)
I will do so!
I spent most of my life trying different ways to cope with life and my own anger and tendency toward depression, in part because my eyes are wide open to what’s happening in the world, and nothing even comes close to the benefits of traditional Buddhist meditation, which is called vipassana. Vipassana is not a religion, but a TECHNIQUE. This is not proselytizing. Most of my background growing up and studying through college is in the Catholic tradition. But it doesn’t matter what tradition you’re coming from.

It is simply a technique, one that is actually the basis of cognitive behavior therapy, things like body scans, focusing on the breath, you name it. It is as close to the original technique that the Buddha taught as you can get.

But what sold me on it is the fact that it is not sold. Unlike the people and the movements that try to monetize this kind of stuff, the passion of meditation is given freely, and you can follow along with recordings from great teachers, and you can even go to a meditation center and it is a free will donation to be there for 10 days or even a weekend. There are such centers all over the country, and I made a silent 10 day retreat a few years ago in Rockford Illinois. The hardest thing I ever did in my life, but incredible. Among the people there was a Chicago police officer, a convicted felon who had recently been released, two vets from Iraq war, teachers, parents, recovering addicts, people from all over the place. If you go to Fairfield and try to learn transcendental meditation, they charge you thousands of dollars, which is something I found out in college, But vipassana is free, and freely shared.

so here are a couple of resources.

And below is an hour long sit guided by a famous teacher named Goenka. There are plenty of videos online about good posture when sitting. It’s very important actually to sit and learn to listen to your body and find a balance point where you can learn the discipline of dealing with discomfort and distraction.

It is very similar to the Christian and Jewish and Muslim and indigenous traditions of meditation, so it is non-denominational and extremely effective especially when practiced every day, even if you only have five or 10 minutes, but the four hour sit is by far the most effective because it is about learning that the discomfort and distraction of life is in permanent, and things can be let go of without judgment, without craving, without aversion.

Metta Bhavana. Be happy.
Greetings everyone! Hope you enjoyed your week!

Please post prayers or meditation tips. Please do not turn this into a political debate, we have plenty of other threads for that.

I try to tap into the 1/8th of me that responds best to prayer and meditation. It’s hard to do because the other 7/8th wants to have nothing to do with it.
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I pray that both of your ratios improve.
Unpossible. I post conservative views on a liberal message board. I’m doomed unless I fall in line.

Check out my BWI ratio where I post conservative views on a conservative message board. Much better ratio. Even better than boogies HROT one.
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Unpossible. I post conservative views on a liberal message board. I’m doomed unless I fall in line.

Check out my BWI ratio where I post conservative views on a conservative message board. Much better ratio. Even better than boogies HROT one.

Is BWI the PSU board?
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I think I like Nebraska posters more than PSU posters.
Each fan base has their undesirables. The 5 account is actually banned on BWI because I messed with their wrestling forum awhile ago. Went back with 55 and made nice. Most of them are pretty decent over there.
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Greetings everyone! Hope you enjoyed your week!

Please post prayers or meditation tips. Please do not turn this into a political debate, we have plenty of other threads for that.
May your women be hot and your beer cold.
May all your problems roll off you like snot.

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Each fan base has their undesirables. The 5 account is actually banned on BWI because I messed with their wrestling forum awhile ago. Went back with 55 and made nice. Most of them are pretty decent over there.

PSU board and the wrestling board at that. You like your internet a bit rough around the edges.
Here is a short prayer adapted from the Golden Manual that invokes Jesus Christ, the King of kings, to help the particular leader with their governance, so that they rule not with an iron fist, but with a heart of gold.

O eternal King, have mercy on all political leaders; grant them those lights and graces that are necessary for the perfect discharge of their duty to their people; that they may be true servants to you, the King of kings, and virtuous examples. Have mercy on all those in power; that they may all fear you, love you, and serve you; and ever remember that they are your deputies, and ministers of your justice. Amen.
Here is a short prayer adapted from the Golden Manual that invokes Jesus Christ, the King of kings, to help the particular leader with their governance, so that they rule not with an iron fist, but with a heart of gold.

Did you melt after typing that, Satan?
I pray for our country and its freedoms.

I still give gratitude to God for thwarting the Jan 6 insurrection and saving our country/government. It was truly on the brink and I think divine intervention stopped Trump’s evil.

Now I’ve been praying a lot that He prevents the evil doers who would control us and take away women's rights and freedoms. Such disgusting robbing of our agency will help crumble this great nation He built up for religious freedom.
Here is a short prayer adapted from the Golden Manual that invokes Jesus Christ, the King of kings, to help the particular leader with their governance, so that they rule not with an iron fist, but with a heart of gold.
Well here's Psalm 2
1Why are the nations restless
And the peoples plotting in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers conspire together
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let’s tear their shackles apart
And throw their ropes away from us!”
4 He who sits in the heavens laughs,
The Lord scoffs at them.

5Then He will speak to them in His anger
And terrify them in His fury
, saying,
6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 “I will announce the decree of the Lord:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
Today I have fathered You.
8 Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.
10 Now then, you kings, use insight;
Let yourselves be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with reverence
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, that He not be angry and you perish on the way,
For His wrath may be kindled quickly.

How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
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