From day one, Alvin Bragg was on a political mission, not a legal one!


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa

Biden's fingerprints are all over NY vs. Trump​

From day one, Alvin Bragg was a man on a political, not a legal, mission. It was to charge Trump with whatever just to keep him in court. Maybe, maybe, get lucky and get a conviction. The truth is the underlying conduct doesn't even merit a misdemeanor charge because there is no intent to defraud without a federal crime in this case. This is a political hit job being run by one of Biden's DOJ's former top officials. Are we to actually believe that the lead prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, just so happened to land this job at this time by accident? All right. One of the former top officials in the Biden DOJ? This has Biden's fingerprints all over it.
It is all a sloppy mess to boot. Colangelo is trying to convince the jury that the case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. Trump, David Pecker and Michael Cohen, former Trump attorney, formed a conspiracy, he argued, to influence the election. Well, this guy's a piece of work. Colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue that there's a conspiracy here when he never charged Trump with a conspiracy. You can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law. And this is not a big revelation to any of you, but state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. I think it's becoming clear to all of you now.
Plus, if they were going to start charging conspiracies to affect an election, I have a question. Why wasn't Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS charged under that same theory? The setup, the surveillance of Trump, the salacious and unverified Steele Dossier. All of it. For goodness sakes, $1 million went from the Clinton campaign and the DNC to a law firm, Perkins Coie, that funneled it to Steele, who then dug up the dirt. That was real election interference my friends.
If there's any conspiracy here, it would be, I don't know, kind of reasonable to find one inside Biden world where somehow one of Merrick Garland's top dogs wound up in Bragg's office as lead counsel against Trump.

Biden's fingerprints are all over NY vs. Trump​

From day one, Alvin Bragg was a man on a political, not a legal, mission. It was to charge Trump with whatever just to keep him in court. Maybe, maybe, get lucky and get a conviction. The truth is the underlying conduct doesn't even merit a misdemeanor charge because there is no intent to defraud without a federal crime in this case. This is a political hit job being run by one of Biden's DOJ's former top officials. Are we to actually believe that the lead prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, just so happened to land this job at this time by accident? All right. One of the former top officials in the Biden DOJ? This has Biden's fingerprints all over it.
It is all a sloppy mess to boot. Colangelo is trying to convince the jury that the case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. Trump, David Pecker and Michael Cohen, former Trump attorney, formed a conspiracy, he argued, to influence the election. Well, this guy's a piece of work. Colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue that there's a conspiracy here when he never charged Trump with a conspiracy. You can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law. And this is not a big revelation to any of you, but state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. I think it's becoming clear to all of you now.
Plus, if they were going to start charging conspiracies to affect an election, I have a question. Why wasn't Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS charged under that same theory? The setup, the surveillance of Trump, the salacious and unverified Steele Dossier. All of it. For goodness sakes, $1 million went from the Clinton campaign and the DNC to a law firm, Perkins Coie, that funneled it to Steele, who then dug up the dirt. That was real election interference my friends.
If there's any conspiracy here, it would be, I don't know, kind of reasonable to find one inside Biden world where somehow one of Merrick Garland's top dogs wound up in Bragg's office as lead counsel against Trump.
Posting Laura Ingraham's opinion...bold move, Cotton, let's see how this works out.
Posting Laura Ingraham's opinion...bold move, Cotton, let's see how this works out.
From day one, Alvin Bragg was a man on a political, not a legal, mission. It was to charge Trump with whatever just to keep him in court. Maybe, maybe, get lucky and get a conviction. The truth is the underlying conduct doesn't even merit a misdemeanor charge because there is no intent to defraud without a federal crime in this case. This is a political hit job being run by one of Biden's DOJ's former top officials. Are we to actually believe that the lead prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, just so happened to land this job at this time by accident? All right. One of the former top officials in the Biden DOJ? This has Biden's fingerprints all over it.
Oh, jeeebus Rico gives us “the Ingraham Angle” too! Rico is giving us his best, boys!
When you’ve said Laura Ingraham, you have said it all!
If she testifies, you know Trump is walking free!
It is all a sloppy mess to boot. Colangelo is trying to convince the jury that the case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. Trump, David Pecker and Michael Cohen, former Trump attorney, formed a conspiracy, he argued, to influence the election. Well, this guy's a piece of work. Colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue that there's a conspiracy here when he never charged Trump with a conspiracy. You can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law. And this is not a big revelation to any of you, but state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. I think it's becoming clear to all of you now.

Plus, if they were going to start charging conspiracies to affect an election, I have a question. Why wasn't Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS charged under that same theory? The setup, the surveillance of Trump, the salacious and unverified Steele Dossier. All of it. For goodness sakes, $1 million went from the Clinton campaign and the DNC to a law firm, Perkins Coie, that funneled it to Steele, who then dug up the dirt. That was real election interference my friends.
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It is all a sloppy mess to boot. Colangelo is trying to convince the jury that the case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. Trump, David Pecker and Michael Cohen, former Trump attorney, formed a conspiracy, he argued, to influence the election. Well, this guy's a piece of work. Colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue that there's a conspiracy here when he never charged Trump with a conspiracy. You can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law. And this is not a big revelation to any of you, but state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. I think it's becoming clear to all of you now.

Plus, if they were going to start charging conspiracies to affect an election, I have a question. Why wasn't Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS charged under that same theory? The setup, the surveillance of Trump, the salacious and unverified Steele Dossier. All of it. For goodness sakes, $1 million went from the Clinton campaign and the DNC to a law firm, Perkins Coie, that funneled it to Steele, who then dug up the dirt. That was real election interference my friends.
Setting out the case for the defense, Mr Trump's lawyer said his client had committed no crimes and that it was not illegal to try to influence an election. Ummm... uhhhh.... can we still cry "election interference"? Asking for a friend.
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It doesn't have anything to do with Biden personally. Biden no longer has the mental capacity to think of something like this. No doubt there are people in the White House who have that capability, but not Joe.

It's way more likely Bragg is seeking his 15 minutes of fame that he can parlay into something bigger down the road. I'd guess he would love to be a US Attorney, or NY State Attorney General, or maybe a Federal Judge.
Please enlighten us. I have been listening to some lawyers speak about this case, and there doesn't seem to be much ground to stand on.

I'm curious what your take is.
Who have you been listening to?

His former "cleaner' attorney (Cohen) as well as his business partner (Weisselberg) both served time after being convicted of the same crime. Multiple counts of falsifying business records.
Most of the time, Bragg is dropping felonies to misdemeanors. This time he took a misdemeanor and bump it to a felony.
That's because the statute of limitations expired for it to be a misdemeanor charge. In order to litigate it as a misdemeanor, team trump would have had to sign off on it, and they didn't.
That's because the statute of limitations expired for it to be a misdemeanor charge. In order to litigate it as a misdemeanor, team trump would have had to sign off on it, and they didn't.
How old is this “crime”? Why wait until an election year to indict?
How old is this “crime”? Why wait until an election year to indict?
From what I understand the crimes being discussed were prior to the 2016 election. I don't believe you can legally prosecute a sitting president, so that wipes out four years. "This is a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man."
From what I understand the crimes being discussed were prior to the 2016 election. I don't believe you can legally prosecute a sitting president, so that wipes out four years. "This is a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man."
I know this case was looked at on several levels and they passed on it. But Trump has been out of office for a while now, so crime or not, it seems the timing is suspect. Remember, I’m hoping he’s convicted and can’t run. I just wish they would have not dragged their feet and rid the country of him before the primaries.
I know this case was looked at on several levels and they passed on it. But Trump has been out of office for a while now, so crime or not, it seems the timing is suspect. Remember, I’m hoping he’s convicted and can’t run. I just wish they would have not dragged their feet and rid the country of him before the primaries.
I can't argue with that.
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Time ran out on the bookkeeping misdemeanor so the only way they could keep pursing this was to bump it to a felony by stating that the bookkeeping misdemeanor was committed in the continuance of another, but separate crime. This separate crime is supposedly a campaign finance violation...
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I know this case was looked at on several levels and they passed on it. But Trump has been out of office for a while now, so crime or not, it seems the timing is suspect.
You seem to want to ignore how long Trump has worked to DELAY this case.

Are you truly this uninformed?
You seem to want to ignore how long Trump has worked to DELAY this case.

Are you truly this uninformed?
You are ignoring the fact the feds passed on it. You are ignoring the fact the original statute of limitations passed on the misdemeanors, and it could only be brought by adding a charge to make it a felony. Are you truly this uninformed? Seems like all you know is that Trump has tried to delay it. That one truth doesn't make up for all the omissions in your post.
So why didn't the Feds prosecute if it was so obvious?

Ask them. (Probably, because it would be Biden's administration prosecuting, which you would howl about all day and night being a "witch hunt")

The testimony thus far is crystal clear.