From Ped State to Pet State

This post is completely classless. That's all...

Lest we forget that cesspools can be made of glass…..

Editorial | UI response to Muriello not good enough

Former Professor, John Muriello, should have been put on administrative leave in 2020.

The University of Iowa failed in its responsibility to create and maintain a safe environment for students in the case of former UI School of Music professor John Muriello.

The former professor worked at the university until he was put on leave in May 2021 — more than a year after the UI received notice of alleged illegal behavior.

He pled guilty in March.
Old mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone.
But when she bent over
Rover took over
And gave her a bone of his own.
andrew dice clay hickory dickory dock GIF

He went to the baker to buy him some bread
when he came back the dog was dead

He went to the undertakers to bury the program
When he came back, his pictured part was glam

so he grabbed the dog and said he was sorry
then drove away on a brand new Ferrari
Seriously none of this B.S. has any place on our wrestling forums..
Friendly banter and funny pokes are great between fan bases but this stuff doesn't do anything positive for the sport we all are passionate about...
The world is full of F'd up people we can all hope they don't land at our schools.
Lighten up, Francis. If they were not lurking we would not be casting!
Them pedo's are at it again. First Jerry Sandusky now this guy. We Are!!!!!

Penn State professor Themis Matsoukas accused of performing sexual acts with his dog: ‘I do it to blow off steam’​

While you’re painting with broad strokes , don’t forget to mention Matsoukas is a ‘Michigan Man’.