GA Audit Finds Tens of Noncitizens Registered To Vote


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
One is too many, however. I imagine there were more than 20 MAGAs who voted in 2 jurisdictions.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

An audit uncovered 20 noncitizens out of 8.2 million registered voters in Georgia, according to findings announced by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Wednesday. Nine of those 20 noncitizens cast ballots years ago, before ID verification checks were in place, while the other 11 were registered but never actually voted, the audit showed. Election officials canceled their voter registrations and reported them to law enforcement agencies.
STFU you stupid marxist freak.
You doing ok dude?

Georgia seems to do a good job with their elections,.. contrary to what Stacy Abrams says.
They seem to have done a good job counting the votes of the people they let vote.

Making it hard for the "wrong" people to vote has always been the GOP strong suit.

If they would do a good job on letting people vote and counting all votes, they would deserve our approval.

That said, you have to wonder what would have happened if Raffensperger wasn't in charge - and what will happen when he's gone.
Contrary to what the Presidential candidate for whom you are going to vote says.
This is what I would like a response for.

@Rifler, does that mean you have a problem with Trump crying about a stolen election that wasn’t stolen?

I ask because a lot of the things people say are dealbreakers for why they won’t vote (e.g.) Kamala Trump is usually the worst offender of.
There's a recorded phone call. I've heard it. How the hell is that a leftist hoax? Seriously, is there anything that Trump has ever done that you wouldn't defend?
Trump supporters think that the words Trump used don't mean what they seem to mean - certainly not what we think they mean.

Apparently Trump went to the trouble to hold that conversation just to lament that he didn't get enough votes and to hope out loud that if they checked again they might find thousands and thousands more votes that were somehow not counted, and they would put him over the top.

Nothing more than that. Perfectly innocent.
This is what I would like a response for.

@Rifler, does that mean you have a problem with Trump crying about a stolen election that wasn’t stolen?

I ask because a lot of the things people say are dealbreakers for why they won’t vote (e.g.) Kamala Trump is usually the worst offender of.

I don't like the way Trump handled the post election cycle for sure...
Trump supporters think that the words Trump used don't mean what they seem to mean - certainly not what we think they mean.

Apparently Trump went to the trouble to hold that conversation just to lament that he didn't get enough votes and to hope out loud that if they checked again they might find thousands and thousands more votes that were somehow not counted, and they would put him over the top.

Nothing more than that. Perfectly innocent.
Right, and the thinly veiled threats about criminal prosecution were because he was genuinely concerned about Raffensperger.
This is what I would like a response for.

@Rifler, does that mean you have a problem with Trump crying about a stolen election that wasn’t stolen?

I ask because a lot of the things people say are dealbreakers for why they won’t vote (e.g.) Kamala Trump is usually the worst offender of.
I've had a similar conversations with myself, and with a few friends. It goes something like this....

Suppose Trump switched parties and believably stood for a bunch of things you care about. Would you put up with the rest of his mess and support him?

For me, it's things like climate change, democracy, education, reducing the deficit, restoring abortion rights, and a few other issues.

So now I've got a whiny, race-bating, narcissist, pussy-grabbing, serial liar who, despite all his personal flaws, stands for many right things and will provide coattails for the better party.

Obviously the answer to that depends at least in part on who he's running against, but I'd probably support him.

Issues matter.
Lol for so many reasons
This is the quote

"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more that we have because we won the state."

Here's a link to the transcript and the recording.

The way that you know that Trump is unfit is not from reports or media stories it is listening to what he says. Trump is constantly reminding everyone why he should not be President.
Right now it's Kamala,.. I'll accept it if it happens, but I can't support it with my vote.
You are a lost soul. Tell me about this mythical person who would run as a Democrat that would win your vote over trump?

Yeah we all know such a person doesn't exist so quit the bullshit that its kamala that is preventing it and just own that you are a pile of shit MAGAt.

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