Gaetz Grandstanding Again

Thanks, bro. I’ve been aware of him since that thread. He’s definitely an attention whore, but he’s an amateur attention whore compared to AOC.
Of course, he's pretty much an amateur all around. He has absolutely no policy proposals worth discussing, no bills of any value, no leadership at all. His entire methodology of being a politician is all centered around trying to gain as much exposure for himself as he can by grabbing onto the coat tails of the closest person with power he can find and becoming their lapdog.

He used his Dad's name to get elected, and now he's trying to become the doberman for Trump, but truth be told everyone knows he's just the little yappy chihuahua that you just ignore as he runs his mouth.
Of course, he's pretty much an amateur all around. He has absolutely no policy proposals worth discussing, no bills of any value, no leadership at all. His entire methodology of being a politician is all centered around trying to gain as much exposure for himself as he can by grabbing onto the coat tails of the closest person with power he can find and becoming their lapdog.

He used his Dad's name to get elected, and now he's trying to become the doberman for Trump, but truth be told everyone knows he's just the little yappy chihuahua that you just ignore as he runs his mouth.

My father was involved in small town Iowa politics his entire adult life. He was a small town councilman and mayor for over 30 years. Political affiliation in Iowa city politics is not a factor, but he was a Roosevelt Democrat (and not silent about it) in a Coolige Republican town....and did very well.
He once told me the most important thing about making decisions (political decisions included) is to put aside your ego and solve the problem. There will be plenty of time to take credit afterwards.....;)
My dad was a pretty smart man. If this is indeed to key to political success, the Trumps need to post-haste get back into the real estate business.
Of course, he's pretty much an amateur all around. He has absolutely no policy proposals worth discussing, no bills of any value, no leadership at all. His entire methodology of being a politician is all centered around trying to gain as much exposure for himself as he can by grabbing onto the coat tails of the closest person with power he can find and becoming their lapdog.

He used his Dad's name to get elected, and now he's trying to become the doberman for Trump, but truth be told everyone knows he's just the little yappy chihuahua that you just ignore as he runs his mouth.
Well, I certainly won’t be voting for him.
I thought this thread was going to be about this goon

My father was involved in small town Iowa politics his entire adult life. He was a small town councilman and mayor for over 30 years. Political affiliation in Iowa city politics is not a factor, but he was a Roosevelt Democrat (and not silent about it) in a Coolige Republican town....and did very well.
He once told me the most important thing about making decisions (political decisions included) is to put aside your ego and solve the problem. There will be plenty of time to take credit afterwards.....;)
My dad was a pretty smart man. If this is indeed to key to political success, the Trumps need to post-haste get back into the real estate business.
The entire family is going to be under a microscope for the rest of their lives. They so much as don't cross a T or dot an I and the IRS will be on em like stink on shit.
Kleenex on the way, snowflake.

But not sure if FedEx delivers to a rehab center. You have a sponsor or someone that can get them to you?
oh look, everyone. This little putz is being uh, clever. Trying, anyway.
I am flattered that you think I'm a snowflake.
Oh, and you're up past your bedtime, cornpone.
oh look, everyone. This little putz is being uh, clever. Trying, anyway.
I am flattered that you think I'm a snowflake.
Oh, and you're up past your bedtime, cornpone.
Stop making excuses for your corrupt President and we will stop laughing at you.
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Wunderbar. Thanks for tagging me...again. Just 73 more of these publicity stunts and Skippy will be on par with AOC.

I hate to get involved in this lovers quarrel, but what "attention whoring" has AOC done that has come close to this loser, Gaetz? Please list. I'll make one on Gaetz. TIA.
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Funny how mad the lefties get when someone uses their tactics against them. This whole impeachment deal is one big grandstanding exercise.

Another poster anxious to prove their stupidity.
I move for a motion to censure the douchebaggery of Matt Gaetz and Adam Schiff. At least Trump's douchebaggery amuses me sometimes.