Game of Thrones, there will be spoilers.


HB All-American
Gold Member
Apr 19, 2014
Rape, people captured, betrayal, imprisonment of the innocent, religious madness, and all that kind of thing.

Poor Sansa man, damn!!!
Sansa really took it in the shorts tonight. Kept waiting for Reek to wake the F up. It really pissed me off for some reason.
I need to watch it again, got through season 2. Then haven't watched it. Where do I go to see all of them?
I like that they've sped the stories up from the books and it's more fun not knowing exactly where things are going.

That said I was really hoping when Sansa was playing with her sleeves she was going to bust out a knife.

2nd gripe was during the Sandsnakes / Jamie scene. Way different in the books, Jamie isn't there when they try to kidnap Myrcella. They end up getting stopped but Areoh Hotah gets to use that battle axe of his
Not a big fan of this episode. It set a few things up but didn't really follow the story lines I'm interested in. I'm sure it all ties in but Jamie, Arya, and Kings Landing are my least favorite interests. That and I'm still pissed Sansa got corn holed.
Cersi just sealed her and her families fate last night. The only family who could bail her out with the Iron Bank and she gave them the middle finger. She will get a few more moments of power out of this, but I think this won't end well for her nor Tommen.

Sansa, poor girl! That said, she has been letting things happen to her. Will this finally wake her up and will she now play the Game of Thrones???
Rape, people captured, betrayal, imprisonment of the innocent, religious madness, and all that kind of thing.

Poor Sansa man, damn!!!

I'm surprised she got to season 5 before getting violated. Betrothed to Joffrey, married to the horny Imp, touring the countryside with Littlefinger and given to Ramsay Bolton. Damn, talk about hanging out with bad boys.
I'm surprised she got to season 5 before getting violated. Betrothed to Joffrey, married to the horny Imp, touring the countryside with Littlefinger and given to Ramsay Bolton. Damn, talk about hanging out with bad boys.
Again, how long does she remain timid and take this crap/abuse before she wakes up and starts kicking some ass?
Again, how long does she remain timid and take this crap/abuse before she wakes up and starts kicking some ass?
Should we expect her to? She hasn't been a very strong character so far in any circumstance. It would seem out of character for her to do much more than climb that tower and light that candle to signal for help. Maybe next season when she is a mother she will grow some balls. :)
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im pissed that that sniveling piece of shit Reek got to watch the sex action and i didnt even get to see a nipple. complete bs.

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Should we expect her to? She hasn't been a very strong character so far in any circumstance. It would seem out of character for her to do much more than climb that tower and light that candle to signal for help. Maybe next season when she is a mother she will grow some balls. :)

When do we see her bush and boobs?!
Should we expect her to? She hasn't been a very strong character so far in any circumstance. It would seem out of character for her to do much more than climb that tower and light that candle to signal for help. Maybe next season when she is a mother she will grow some balls. :)
Maybe if the cock merchant is in the area she can pick up a pair to begin her comeback! ha
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Not a big fan of this episode. It set a few things up but didn't really follow the story lines I'm interested in. I'm sure it all ties in but Jamie, Arya, and Kings Landing are my least favorite interests. That and I'm still pissed Sansa got corn holed.

Out of curiosity...which storylines are you interested in?
I thought it was a pretty good episode. They are setting the season up to have action episodes 8 and 9 like the other seasons.

In regards to Sansa, she did stand up for herself to Miranda, then ended up literally taking it anyway from Ramsey. I think Arya is about to become a badass and am also interested what will happen to Tyrion once they get to Mereen. I really wanted one of the sandsnakes to act up so Hotah could have showed off his axe skills.
Not a big fan of this episode. It set a few things up but didn't really follow the story lines I'm interested in. I'm sure it all ties in but Jamie, Arya, and Kings Landing are my least favorite interests. That and I'm still pissed Sansa got corn holed.
You can get unpissed, at least. That wasn't what was happening. Basic dog-style, Lot of that going on in GOT. That was the only procedure Drogo employed until Dany straightened him out (no pun intended).

Of course, maybe the definition of "corn hole" has changed. I mean, the phrase is used in polite company to refer to an idiot game played in parking lots before football games, God knows what it means to people today.

I knew it was going to be a boring episode when the warning only mentioned adult language and situations. No warning about violence or nudity.

Sansa is stronger in the TV series than she was in the books, IIRC.

I'm a fan of Arya. Profile of the actress in this week's EW says she's almost 18. Doesn't look that old. The actress who plays Sansa is 19, BTW. My problem with Arya is that she's entering a period that makes utterly no sense, at least if they follow the books. Plodding through that section was the time I really wanted to swat the author upside the head.
I'm a fan of Arya. Profile of the actress in this week's EW says she's almost 18. Doesn't look that old. The actress who plays Sansa is 19, BTW. My problem with Arya is that she's entering a period that makes utterly no sense, at least if they follow the books. Plodding through that section was the time I really wanted to swat the author upside the head.
After reading all that, did you gain any insights on the God with many faces group? Is it a cult? Is it magical like the God of Light seems to be? Is it good or bad? I want to like Jaqen H'ghar as he helped Arya, but I can't help but feel she is being inducted into some strange death cult. Is that what happened last night? Did Arya poison that sick girl with the water or did the sick girl just die of natural causes and Arya was comforting her with false hope?
After reading all that, did you gain any insights on the God with many faces group? Is it a cult? Is it magical like the God of Light seems to be? Is it good or bad? I want to like Jaqen H'ghar as he helped Arya, but I can't help but feel she is being inducted into some strange death cult. Is that what happened last night? Did Arya poison that sick girl with the water or did the sick girl just die of natural causes and Arya was comforting her with false hope?
As a former newspaperman, I have a bias against Jaqen H'ghar because his name is too effing hard to spell. Other than that, I think he's a pretty cool guy.

Arya poisoned her.

I never figured out from the books exactly what the cult was all about, other than it being exceedingly strange. It makes her a blind beggar for a year or so, to what end I never understood. It ook away Needle, which pissed me off.
As a former newspaperman, I have a bias against Jaqen H'ghar because his name is too effing hard to spell. Other than that, I think he's a pretty cool guy.

Arya poisoned her.

I never figured out from the books exactly what the cult was all about, other than it being exceedingly strange. It makes her a blind beggar for a year or so, to what end I never understood. It ook away Needle, which pissed me off.
Was hiding Needle in the TV show a departure from the book?
Not a big fan of this episode. It set a few things up but didn't really follow the story lines I'm interested in. I'm sure it all ties in but Jamie, Arya, and Kings Landing are my least favorite interests. That and I'm still pissed Sansa got corn holed.

Uhm, ok...

You really escalated that one in your head.

Also, Sansa was not a Virgin. She's been playing 'Come into my Castle' with Littlefinger for some time. But, we all know that in the real history of Westeros, Sansa was never near Winterfell, or Moat Caitlyn, that was Fake Arya, or Jeyne Poole. I'm guessing that Reek and Sansa, or going to do what Reek and Jeyne did, but WTF knows anymore.
Again, how long does she remain timid and take this crap/abuse before she wakes up and starts kicking some ass?

She showed she's smarter than she looks & acts by backing Littlefinger after Lysa took a dive. She might be the Queen of the North if Stannis can route Roose & Ramsay and if Ramsay doesn't slit her throat before he gets his head chopped off. Better yet, maybe she'll catch him in a vulnerable moment and do a "Theon number" on him.

It will be interesting to see where Dave & D.B. take her storyline from here.
When do we see her bush and boobs?!

Of course, in a GRRM story, nobody is safe; certainly none of the ladies. That said, perhaps they are trying to keep Sansa from going the seductress route at this point in the story. Though, should could have had Littlefinger wrapped around her little finger had she stuck her tongue in his ear earlier this season. He would not have been able to resist the younger and hotter version of Cat.
After reading all that, did you gain any insights on the God with many faces group? Is it a cult? Is it magical like the God of Light seems to be? Is it good or bad? I want to like Jaqen H'ghar as he helped Arya, but I can't help but feel she is being inducted into some strange death cult. Is that what happened last night? Did Arya poison that sick girl with the water or did the sick girl just die of natural causes and Arya was comforting her with false hope?

I'll try my best to give a history of the group. In my opinion it was one of the best inventions from the books. They believe that the many faced god is actually a part of most of the faiths in Essos and Westeros. They just call him different names, like The Stranger in the main Westeros religion. At the end of everybody's life they are either fearing or welcoming death. Hence their statement that there is only one god, Him of Many Faces, aka death.

Many years ago a man in Essos heard the prayers of many slaves. They were all praying in their various religions, but they were all asking for the same thing, for death. He decided to provide what they were asking for which started the new religion. Their church is where people go that want to end their lives. They are provided with the means to do so and are allowed to pray at the altar of whichever religion they choose with the understanding that their bodies will be taken care of and their possessions will belong to the church.

They also started up the assassin side of the religion. Those guys don't give he gift of death to everyone, only people that want it or people that others want and can pay to have the gift given to.
Should we expect her to? She hasn't been a very strong character so far in any circumstance. It would seem out of character for her to do much more than climb that tower and light that candle to signal for help. Maybe next season when she is a mother she will grow some balls. :)
She did seem to be getting a good grasp on how the world works when she lied for Little Finger. Now she just needs to learn to fight back.

I was actually thinking she might try to play along with Ramsey's tastes by asking if she could watch while he tortures his current bit of fluff.
Not sure why all the sympathy for Sansa. I haven't liked her since she lied in season one and got Lady and the butcher's boy killed. Karma for being a bitch, Sansa.

And it wasn't rape, at least not in a definition I'm aware of. Sure, it wasn't pleasant nor nice, and it was completely pointless for the show, but it wasn't rape.
I find it funny how big of a deal people on social media and online media reviews are making the last scene with Sansa.

It's like after 5 years, what f***ing show do you think you're watching?...........
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For the record I realize Sansa probably wasn't "corn holed". It just seemed like a fun word to say at the time.
I find it funny how big of a deal people on social media and online media reviews are making the last scene with Sansa.

It's like after 5 years, what f***ing show do you think you're watching?...........

Because it was utterly pointless. It isn't in the books, it doesn't further the story. What were we supposed to take away? Ramsey is a nutjob? Sansa has a shitty life? Theon is a p****, who could snap at any time? We were all well aware of that before that scene. She already hated the Bolton's, they betrayed her brother/mother and they own her home.

It isn't the scene, or at least what took place within the scene that was just how pointless it was, especially in comparison to the books.

The comments should be stark (yes, I know) considering how beloved this show has been. Hell, the Red Wedding was a spectacle in violence...but it had a purpose, and people loved it.
Because it was utterly pointless. It isn't in the books, it doesn't further the story. What were we supposed to take away? Ramsey is a nutjob? Sansa has a shitty life? Theon is a p****, who could snap at any time? We were all well aware of that before that scene. She already hated the Bolton's, they betrayed her brother/mother and they own her home.

It isn't the scene, or at least what took place within the scene that was just how pointless it was, especially in comparison to the books.

The comments should be stark (yes, I know) considering how beloved this show has been. Hell, the Red Wedding was a spectacle in violence...but it had a purpose, and people loved it.
Alright, alright, alright, I get all that..................................................I just honestly don't care. Thumbs high!

Rape, people captured, betrayal, imprisonment of the innocent, religious madness, and all that kind of thing.

Poor Sansa man, damn!!!

Seriously, how else is the wedding night of Ramsay and any woman going to go?

Doggy-style sex does not automatically imply sodomy.
The problem they are facing in the show (and to a certain degree the last and hopefully not next book) is a timing issue. When you look at Martin's sketches for the original books he skips several years between the books. Bran is off training to be a seer, Arya is learning to become an assassin, Jon is becoming a leader at the Wall, Tyrion is fleeing/hiding/captured/we'll see in the next book, and Dany is becoming a queen and positioning certain things. Those are the five central characters and all of them are growing up and/or becoming something/changing. Martin realized that he couldn't skip several years between books...too much other stuff had to happen at King's Landing and elsewhere and he'd spend too much time forcing into conversations what had been happening the past several years. BUT...his five main characters all had to take time to develop/grow before he could progress their story. So what happened was a bunch of filler the books you were assuming they were important. But now in the TV show they've been shown to be just that...filler, so they've been cut. So the stories about the Greyjoys, Aegon Targaryen (or someone pretending to be), a lot of the stuff with Dorne and the mission of the prince, etc, are now all missing.

But now the tv show is struggling a little bit with main characters that aren't really doing anything. So instead of Sanda doing nothing for a whole season, cut Jeyne Poole. Instead of all new characters in Dorne, send Jaime to have someone familiar.
Good point. A lot of it is forced, and it has started to crack.

Hell, look at Jesus, a whole lot of years are left out. It takes time for people to "grow up". King Arthur is similar.

Another problem they have is that the show started with, basically, a bunch of armies at the ready. Now many of these armies have been destroyed/drastically reduced...but they get regenerated to fill the plot. It would take a great deal of time to get things ready/travel, but Jon Snow gets to traipse off for a week to gather hundreds of thousands of people, Roose has command of some large army we haven't seen since Rob Stark, the Eyrie has theirs and Stannis has his. Apparently the Lannisters still have theirs, even after Blackwater. Hell, Dany needs to command an entire city/continent and then travel across the world.

It would be good, but not practical, to skip a few years.
My reply was not aimed at you Aegon. My apologies.

It was more in response to Ried#3's 'cornhole' comment.
My reply was not aimed at you Aegon. My apologies.

It was more in response to Ried#3's 'cornhole' comment.
Gotcha, She probably was analized, but I'm sure the cherry was popped first. Ramsay seems like a all holes type.
Gotcha, She probably was analized, but I'm sure the cherry was popped first. Ramsay seems like a all holes type.

Ramsay seems the kind of guy who might actually try to 'create' a few new holes to poke on a human body. He's one sick puppy. I'll bet the actor who plays him must think he's got the greatest job ever.
Ramsay seems the kind of guy who might actually try to 'create' a few new holes to poke on a human body. He's one sick puppy. I'll bet the actor who plays him must think he's got the greatest job ever.

Last thing I saw him in he played a weirdo as well - Misfits (BBC). Always doing creepy stuff around the girls on the show.

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