
I explained to my wife what was going on in a metaphor and I think she got it.

Let’s imagine there is a store with 100 cups of water (shares) and there are 130 people (130% short interest) in the store that need a drink. For the sake of the metaphor the glasses auto refill. They pay $1 per cup of water. As long as everyone doesn’t rush the store there is enough for everyone and the price stays the same. Now imagine someone (short’s broker) turns up the heat (stock prices rise and interest goes higher) in the room and people are getting more thirsty . It’s causing their demand for water to go up (rising prices means higher borrowing interest rates), they are willing to pay more for a cup of water ($2 or $3) Also imagine a bunch of people from Reddit and Robinhood buy 50 cups of water. They don’t sell them, they hold them(💎 🙌). Now 140 people who are thirsty have to drink from 50 cups. They need to get a drink or the broker will take the money to force them to drink. With the smaller pool of cups the prices rise to $5, $9, $14. Eventually all cups are sold and the last person will pay their entire account to buy the last cup. That’s when the holders sell their cups for a huge profit and the price drops back to normal.

This isn’t based on sales projections, consoles sold, or future earnings. It’s purely supply and demand of stock.

If someone was to short the stock today, they would force themselves to demand to buy a stock that has a limited supply. Suckers are shorting the stock based on the fundamentals and outlook of the company. Do so only after the squeeze and if short internet is less than the supply of the shares.

Does your metaphor end with everyone drinking too much water, whipping their d*cks out, and pissing all over everything?
Keith Patrick Gill, 34 year old former financial advisor for MassMutual, is your Roaring Kitty and DeepF__inValue bro.
Meet your nemesis Hedge Funds. Lol He’s now a legend.
GameStonk blowing up again...this has more staying power than I thought it would after the brokerage firms decided to deploy criminal acts.
If you see short interest fall below 100% I think we see it decline, until then shorts are causing their own demand with the small float supply.
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Who decides on the number of shares available to short or is there no limit? I know when there's an IPO, shares aren't available for a while to short because I have tried this. I believe that's where a lot of the fault lies here. There should be a limit on the number of shares and it definitely shouldn't be over 100%. But who decides this? Is it the market makers?
Haha nope. I’ve kinda come around full circle after reading up on things tonight. There is such a low supply on GME shares right now and such a high demand (historical levels for both) that this is truly a sky rocket with a lit wick, so much so that I think if it squeezes it will ultimately break the financial institutions that run the stock market. I don’t think the retail brokers shut down buy positions today because they wanted the little guys to lose, they just literally can’t afford new positions. See the link below and the my last boomer video I posted. They can’t afford what’s in the books now at $300 per share, what happens if the prices go exponential? The brokers can’t pay the clearinghouses, the clearing house can’t pay market makers or the brokers back, the brokers in return can’t pay the retail investors. The hedge funds can’t pay the brokers and will need to liquidate assets. HFs liquidate assets and stock prices plummet to extreme lows. Tax payers come in to bail everyone out again. Maybe I’m being over paranoid, but if it squeezes it will be high and hard. So much so that it would be ultimately bad for everyone in the economy. Someone tell me I’m wrong.

I've been worried about that for a couple days. I've moved all my real money out of my index funds. I think I want that on the sidelines until this plays out, and get back in if/when it drops.
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Who decides on the number of shares available to short or is there no limit? I know when there's an IPO, shares aren't available for a while to short because I have tried this. I believe that's where a lot of the fault lies here. There should be a limit on the number of shares and it definitely shouldn't be over 100%. But who decides this? Is it the market makers?

I predict when all this madness is in the rear view mirror, the government/SEC adds regulations that make it so people can't short more than 50% of available shares.
Markets just opened the the rocket is taking off.

Update: and then it didn't 😂
Markets just opened the the rocket is taking off.

Update: and then it didn't 😂
Yep, GameStop is dropping pretty quickly since the open. When it gets down to $3.00 I think I will buy 2 or 3 shares.

Edit - it just went up $45 in the last 2 minutes. This is crazy to watch.
GameStonk blowing up again...this has more staying power than I thought it would after the brokerage firms decided to deploy criminal acts.


I have a question for you. Based on the fundamentals of GameStop, about where would you expect the price of its stock to be? For some help, through 2020 it’s capitalization was around $300 million. Currently it’s around $30billion. About where do you think its current and potential revenues would fairly place its value?

I have a question for you. Based on the fundamentals of GameStop, about where would you expect the price of its stock to be? For some help, through 2020 it’s capitalization was around $300 million. Currently it’s around $30billion. About where do you think its current and potential revenues would fairly place its value?

You might have missed my post about the supply and demand of shares. This stock price is post-valuation. What the price is now is based on the supply of shares, and the demand to buy them and shorts covering positions. Current and potential revenues are meaningless.
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I have a question for you. Based on the fundamentals of GameStop, about where would you expect the price of its stock to be? For some help, through 2020 it’s capitalization was around $300 million. Currently it’s around $30billion. About where do you think its current and potential revenues would fairly place its value?

That isn't the point 👏
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You might have missed my post about the supply and demand of shares. This stock is post valuation. What the price is now is based on the supply of shares and the demand of buy them and shorts covering position current and potential revenues are meaningless.

Yes...and when brokerage firms don't allow people to buy they have decided for the market that they will let the price tank, they decided to put a fix in on the market as the lever pullers. If they were told to from the White House then Biden and his administration participated in these criminal acts as well and need to be held accountable.
In the last too days gamestop dropped to $118 and then up to nearly $500

I contemplated buying when it dropped but this is too volatile for my blood
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This whole thing is the best argument for crypto currency (Bitcoin) and only helps it's stability.
GME is the new Bitcoin. In the future it’s going to be money.
For those that don’t own GME, I would hold some cash. If a squeeze happens the hedge funds are going to have to liquidate their long positions. We saw this on Wednesday. The rest of the market will plummet and you will get amazing prices on some great companies. For those that are holding, hold GME past $10,000.
If it goes to $10000, it would be worth more than F, GM, Boeing and BAC combined. GME should be selling new shares like crazy long before that happens.
In the last too days gamestop dropped to $118 and then up to nearly $500

I contemplated buying when it dropped but this is too volatile for my blood

I believe your intuition will be proved correct. Without short-sellers, this is stock is toast (at least relative to its current market cap). It may be today or it may be later down the road. The downside risk way outweighs the upside.

I have a question for you. Based on the fundamentals of GameStop, about where would you expect the price of its stock to be? For some help, through 2020 it’s capitalization was around $300 million. Currently it’s around $30billion. About where do you think its current and potential revenues would fairly place its value?

Omg. When are people going to figure out what is really going on here. It has only been said 500 times so far.
Guys these redditors are naïve and unsavvy and don't have a clue what they are doing. The intuitional money will eat them alive.

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This all ends when GME issues a few million new shares and the HFs cover for good. Hell what stops GME from issuing 50 million new shares (the current float) ???

I predict a share offering is coming.

edit - by the way, they could in theory issue new shares at a price of $5 if they want to or are “told to”.
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