George W Bush's Daughter is more brave than him, Barbara Bush endorses and campaigns for VP Harris

He should have just got on the plane himself joined him for his use of drone bombing.

Not defending Bush but pretty much every modern president could be considered to be a war criminal.

Which is why international law is meaningless. I'm not arguing there isn't a morality behind it, but it's only enforced on the losers and it's been that way since Nuremberg. When the allies invented crimes out of thin air to apply to the Nazis. The most hilarious one being "planning a war of aggression" and being accused and judged by the biggest colonizer the world has ever seen. But wars of aggression are ok when Britain does them to others. But when done to Britain, it's a crime that demands the death penalty.

Some charges were dropped against a Nazi for war crimes against the Polish when that Nazi's wife (and lawyer) obtained proof that the Russians committed that crime. But yet you didn't see a Russian on trial at Nuremberg. . . Not to mention all of the war crimes that other allied powers could have been accused and convicted of.

Too often, Obama governed like it was the third George Bush presidency. He dropped a lot of bombs and made the Bush tax cuts permanent. He campaigned as a leftist and gave us a health care plan created by the Heritage Foundation for Newt as an alternative to Hillarycare.
Hello team 🇺🇸 we have an election to win!

So young Babs, an independent (aka non-republican) chick who has long been active in fundraising for Planned Parenthood, is voting for Harris/Walz. Earthshaking.

Not surprising seeing that the family patriarch, Prescott Bush, served as an officer of PP’s first nationwide campaign and was also one of the chief financiers of Hitler’s Nazi war machine until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

Solid American family. Real salt of the earth type. Good Christians. I mean, who among us doesn’t have a grandpa or uncle who was a business partner of Hitler’s? :rolleyes:
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The war criminal and our nation's second worst president remains a steaming POS. It's not too late to ship him off to stand trial for crimes against humanity

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Democrats calm down. W Bush doesn't owe this radical liberal kamala anything
A small reminder of how much of a disaster the nation’s second worst president was

The daughter of a war machine POTUS endorsing the MIC's preferred candidiate. Sounds familiar.
I know it’s hard for you to understand that a woman can have her own ideas and beliefs that differ from her fathers and/or husbands, but women do—and they have every right to.
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And you support TRUMP??? LOL! Joke is on you, as usual...

It is ALWAYS projection with them...
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And, they had all voted for Nikki Haley in the primary so technically they are all Republicans. 3 crossover votes for ,LA
This election is not between a Democrat and a Republican. This election is between the deep state, uniparty and an outsider intent on breaking a corrupt system. The Bushes, the Cheneys, Obama, Romney, and everyone else supporting Harris are deep state, uniparty insiders. Both parties have spent the last four decades concentrating power in the Executive Branch. Now they are terrified that someone they do not control will have access to it. Trump's use of that power in his first term was limited because he knew he would have to get elected again if he wanted to make any substantial, long term changes.
I'm not a fan of Trump and I have never voted for him, but there is a reason the pro-war, big government, military industrial complex, stooges are fighting so desperately to get rid of him. It seems that every week there is a new lie in the media about him. This week it is that he wants to put Liz Cheney in front of a firing squad and called for her execution. If you just watched what the mainstream media showed you, you might believe it. That's why you have to look for the whole interview and not rely on a six-second soundbite. If you do watch the whole interview, it is clear that he says Cheney is all for war because she knows she will never be on the front line holding a rifle. She's okay sending thousands of soldiers to face the enemy but she herself never will. That was the position of the anti-Vietnam War protesters in the 1960s.
So if you like spending trillions of dollars that we don't have to fund wars in other countries instead of fixing the problems we have here, vote for whoever you think will best keep that going. If you don't, vote for whoever you think will try to stop it.