Geraldo Rivera nailed it !


HB King
May 11, 2006
5 miles from Willams Brice stadium
Not a big Geraldo Rivera fan but he is right on the money on this one

O’Reilly Factor guest host Laura Ingraham found the timing a little striking, but Geraldo Rivera went a bit further to lambaste the DOJ for not giving more thought into the timing of the announcement.
Rivera invoked Freddie Gray and asked, “How is it that the 25-year-old career criminal’s life is more important than the 25-year-old New York City cop’s life?”
He called it “very tone-deaf of Washington not to reschedule” and “awful” for them to do it on this day, of all days.
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Not a big Geraldo Rivera fan but he is right on the money on this one

O’Reilly Factor guest host Laura Ingraham found the timing a little striking, but Geraldo Rivera went a bit further to lambaste the DOJ for not giving more thought into the timing of the announcement.
Rivera invoked Freddie Gray and asked, “How is it that the 25-year-old career criminal’s life is more important than the 25-year-old New York City cop’s life?”
He called it “very tone-deaf of Washington not to reschedule” and “awful” for them to do it on this day, of all days.
Like much of the left, they view different groups as victims of the racist, evil system we have in this country. Young black males are among the most sacred of victims. Thats why the mayor had to go in front of cameras and apolgize for saying the looters were thugs. Cops are not victims, matter fact they are the perpetrators of the evil
Didn't read anything but the fact you said "Geraldo Rivera" and "nailed it" in the same sentence means I don't have to.
Not a big Geraldo Rivera fan but he is right on the money on this one

O’Reilly Factor guest host Laura Ingraham found the timing a little striking, but Geraldo Rivera went a bit further to lambaste the DOJ for not giving more thought into the timing of the announcement.
Rivera invoked Freddie Gray and asked, “How is it that the 25-year-old career criminal’s life is more important than the 25-year-old New York City cop’s life?”
He called it “very tone-deaf of Washington not to reschedule” and “awful” for them to do it on this day, of all days.
Obama and his ilk hate America, everything is worse since he took office especially race relations, I can't wait until he is out of office.
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