German Press covers up mass immigrant sexual assault. This is messed up.


HB King
Aug 14, 2002
Cover-up claim over New Year's Eve mass sexual assaults by migrants in Cologne Germany
Men of ‘Arab background’ were likely responsible for sexual assaults on dozens of women in central Cologne over the New Year, police said on Monday - as a social media storm accused police and media of a cover-up.....

A group of around 500 men between the ages of 15 and 35 assembled at the central train station and in the area of the cathedral before throwing firecrackers into the masses of people celebrating the arrival of the new year....

Cologne mayor Henriette Reker called for a crisis meeting to be held on Tuesday in the wake of the attacks, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

“We can’t let it happen that an area beyond the law develops here,” she said.

Accusations of cover-up

As the extent of the crimes emerged on Monday, the story became the central theme of Twitter with #Köln and #aufschrei (outcry) both ranking in the top five hashtags.

Many people accused the national media of engaging in a cover-up due to the ethnic background of the criminals, with many pointing to the fact that it took days before the details of the story reached national attention.

One commentator wrote sarcastically that “it is fascinating that the event in Cologne on New Year made it through the media censorship.”
You can't blame them. They are used to women being covered in a sack. Those Germans probably smiled and showed teeth. Who could resist?