Get your Kids out of Public Schools

Indoctrination Centers.

Go Crazy Wtf GIF
My grandkids attend public school in the State’s number one rated school system. Their parents monitor very closely all their homework, projects, and hear what the teachers say and do and they’re pleased thus far (3rd and 5th grades)

OTOH My niece has her three kids in a hybrid kind of system called Catholic Schoolhouse where they’re homeschooled but go to a group class setting once a week for labs, science, field trips etc. Frankly I don’t like it. I am not a fan of homeschooling in any form. Thus far they read and write and do math just fine but a traditional school is more than that. I worry about her ability to teach advanced math or a language.
My son and DIL are kind of appalled at what my niece has chosen to do but my niece is a far right true believer and we all just look at each other and roll our eyes. My parents would be appalled. She gets very angry and defensive when my brother and sister in law say anything (her parents)
I have to bite my tongue around her for sure.
My grandkids attend public school in the State’s number one rated school system. Their parents monitor very closely all their homework, projects, and hear what the teachers say and do and they’re pleased thus far (3rd and 5th grades)

OTOH My niece has her three kids in a hybrid kind of system called Catholic Schoolhouse where they’re homeschooled but go to a group class setting once a week for labs, science, field trips etc. Frankly I don’t like it. I am not a fan of homeschooling in any form. Thus far they read and write and do math just fine but a traditional school is more than that. I worry about her ability to teach advanced math or a language.
My son and DIL are kind of appalled at what my niece has chosen to do but my niece is a far right true believer and we all just look at each other and roll our eyes. My parents would be appalled. She gets very angry and defensive when my brother and sister in law say anything (her parents)
I have to bite my tongue around her for sure.
I was homeschooled
What percentage of mass school shootings in the last two years were done by an LGBT individual?
"4 shooters out of over 300 mass shooters since 2009 are transgender or non binary. That's just 1.3 percent of all shooters," Anthony Zenkus, a lecturer in social work at Columbia University, wrote on Twitter. "You just proved our point: 99 percent of mass shooters in the United States are cis gendered."
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Overdosing on today, I see.
Prior to Musk purchasing Twitter Phenom probably would have been characterized as one of the liberal posters on the board, although he would maniacally defend Elon. Now he's just an Elon Bot.

And you can tell how fetid Elon's politics are just from Phenom's posts, which these days are pretty much just 100% Elon re-tweets anyway.
Prior to Musk purchasing Twitter Phenom probably would have been characterized as one of the liberal posters on the board, although he would maniacally defend Elon. Now he's just an Elon Bot.

And you can tell how fetid Elon's politics are just from Phenom's posts, which these days are pretty much just 100% Elon re-tweets anyway.

With that assertion can you explain my Ukraine support and thread where I assert Trump and something like half the GOP is likely compromised by the Kremlin for the board? Thanks I’ll hang up and listen.
With that assertion can you explain my Ukraine support and thread where I assert Trump and something like half the GOP is likely compromised by the Kremlin for the board? Thanks I’ll hang up and listen.
LOL. All I have to point to is your tweet storm just today.

I especially really really like "the Dems are gonna confiscate your guns" thread. What a joke.
My grandkids attend public school in the State’s number one rated school system. Their parents monitor very closely all their homework, projects, and hear what the teachers say and do and they’re pleased thus far (3rd and 5th grades)

OTOH My niece has her three kids in a hybrid kind of system called Catholic Schoolhouse where they’re homeschooled but go to a group class setting once a week for labs, science, field trips etc. Frankly I don’t like it. I am not a fan of homeschooling in any form. Thus far they read and write and do math just fine but a traditional school is more than that. I worry about her ability to teach advanced math or a language.
My son and DIL are kind of appalled at what my niece has chosen to do but my niece is a far right true believer and we all just look at each other and roll our eyes. My parents would be appalled. She gets very angry and defensive when my brother and sister in law say anything (her parents)
I have to bite my tongue around her for sure.
Real question, what do you consider to be advanced math and when might the average human even need to do it in a professional setting? I worry too much time is wasted on advanced algebra and trigonometry type courses that are never put to any practical use. The government school system is full of courses that I would consider an absolute waste of time for the average student.
"4 shooters out of over 300 mass shooters since 2009 are transgender or non binary. That's just 1.3 percent of all shooters," Anthony Zenkus, a lecturer in social work at Columbia University, wrote on Twitter. "You just proved our point: 99 percent of mass shooters in the United States are cis gendered."
You don't have good reading comprehension bc that's not what I asked you. You must've gone to a government school.
  • Haha
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