Get your Kids out of Public Schools

LOL. All I have to point to is your tweet storm just today.

I especially really really like "the Dems are gonna confiscate your guns" thread. What a joke.

What else does Warnock mean by “action”?

They have been dancing around gun confiscation my entire adult life. They want it something bad.

Make all unapproved language illegal and take away guns. Then you have a happy liberal. At least for a little while.

Democrats used to be the party of protecting free speech. What happened?!
What else does Warnock mean by “action”?

They have been dancing around gun confiscation my entire adult life. They want it something bad.

Make all unapproved language illegal and take away guns. Then you have a happy liberal. At least for a little while.

Democrats used to be the party of protecting free speech. What happened?!
This "gun confiscation" nonsense is nonsense. You have nothing, just an ambiguous answer on a talk show from a campaign surrogate, no proposal from the candidate, no evidence anywhere that anything is even being planned. You're a liar, you're full of shit.

The below however is real, coming straight from the mouth of the actual nominee of the Republican party. And not a peep from you.
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Kids at private school now. They love it. I would never want a childless 60 year old PE teacher anywhere near my kids nor would any private school in the world. Or would I want my kids next to a bunch of kids from dumbass parents who are poor and/or on drugs or alcohol.
Is this view of yours limited to gender expression?

If yes, why?
Keeping it strictly to the topic title, no I don't limit. The amount of damage that can be done to children of school age in tremendous. Kids need the freedom to explore life and find their way in life. Schools should support the children in their care and not tramatize them.
Keeping it strictly to the topic title, no I don't limit. The amount of damage that can be done to children of school age in tremendous. Kids need the freedom to explore life and find their way in life. Schools should support the children in their care and not tramatize them.
Your idea of not traumatizing children is lying to them and affirming mental illness? What if a kid is battling anorexia? Would you want the school to support and encourage this as the child is just exploring life?
  • Haha
Reactions: fivecardstud14
Kids at private school now. They love it. I would never want a childless 60 year old PE teacher anywhere near my kids nor would any private school in the world. Or would I want my kids next to a bunch of kids from dumbass parents who are poor and/or on drugs or alcohol.
Hopefully they get their prayers in. Keep praying to that little fairy in the sky.
You’re a piece of shit. GFY. Maybe spend some time in them before you post this idiotic BS. I feel bad for you because you have mental health issues but sometimes it gets old. Get help.
"IF" he were a parent he'd have zero clue how to engage in meaningful conversations with his children. Whenever my kiddos come home with a topic that doesn't seem to add up in their developing minds, we discuss it; transgender, evolution, bullying, politics, etc. Kids humans will be exposed to conflicting ideals their entire lives. Why hide from them? Engage.

OP lives in the panic zone.
With that assertion can you explain my Ukraine support and thread where I assert Trump and something like half the GOP is likely compromised by the Kremlin for the board? Thanks I’ll hang up and listen.
It doesn't matter to them. One independent thought or policy opinion that goes against the current dnc party line means you're a nut job/maga/Russian op. It's how they've been programmed to behave.
You’re a piece of shit. GFY. Maybe spend some time in them before you post this idiotic BS. I feel bad for you because you have mental health issues but sometimes it gets old. Get help.

You have openly admitted to having inappropriate conversations with kids that you know would piss off their parents. Your words.

YOU are the piece of shit and a prime example of why government schools are a danger to children.
Also facts.


  • Definition: Facts are statements that can be proven to be true or false based on objective evidence. They are verifiable through observation, measurement, or reliable sources.
  • Characteristics:
    • Objective: Facts are not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
    • Verifiable: Facts can be checked and confirmed by data, records, or firsthand observation.
    • Universal: Facts remain consistent regardless of who is interpreting them.
Example: "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level."


  • Definition: Opinions are subjective statements that reflect a person's beliefs, feelings, or thoughts. They cannot be proven true or false in an absolute sense because they are based on personal interpretation.
  • Characteristics:
    • Subjective: Opinions are influenced by individual perspectives, emotions, or biases.
    • Not Verifiable: Opinions cannot be universally verified, as they depend on personal views or experiences.
    • Variable: Opinions can differ widely from person to person and may change over time.
Example: "Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor."

Key Difference​

  • Facts are about what is true or false in reality, while opinions express a personal judgment or belief that is not necessarily based on verifiable evidence.
See folks, get your kids out of public schools so they can be like these two Mensas.
Be careful and selective wherever you send your kids. My private school experience with Harvard was not that impressive as an example. You need to make sure the private schools are free of DEI administrations too. Equally cancerous.