Global approval of the United States has rebounded under Biden, survey finds


HB King
May 29, 2001
President Biden has promised the world that “America is back.”
As he takes his first trip abroad as president, a Pew Research Center global survey released Thursday shows that many in advanced economies believe it.
Trust in the U.S. president fell to historic lows in most countries surveyed during Donald Trump’s presidency, according to Pew.
Under Biden, it has soared. In the 12 countries surveyed both this year and last, a median of 75 percent of respondents expressed confidence in Biden to “do the right thing regarding world affairs,” Pew found, compared with 17 percent for Trump last year. Sixty-two percent of respondents now have a favorable view of the United States vs. 34 percent at the end of Trump’s presidency.
“The election of Joe Biden as president has led to a dramatic shift in America’s international image,” the Pew report reads.
The findings come a day after Biden touched down in England on the first leg of a whirlwind trip through Europe. On his agenda: a meeting of the Group of Seven nations in Cornwall, a NATO summit in Brussels, and tête-à-têtes with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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In an op-ed in The Washington Post, Biden cast his voyage as a sort of redemption tour — a chance to revitalize the nation’s strained alliances and rally like-minded democracies to “meet the challenges and deter the threats of this new age.”
The Pew findings suggest that he will encounter leaders whose publics are confident in his leadership and supportive of key foreign policy priorities.
Results of a 2021 Pew Research Center survey compare President Biden and President Donald Trump's traits. (Pew Research Center)
The United States’ favorability rating grew at least 23 percentage points from last year in France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, and a majority of respondents in all four view the country positively.
Among all 16 publics surveyed this spring, German Chancellor Angela Merkel ranks just ahead of Biden in the percentage of respondents who said they trust the leader’s decision-making on world affairs, with a median score of 77 percent. But Biden, with 74 percent, garnered higher rates of confidence than French President Emmanuel Macron, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“In many cases, however, the share who have confidence in Biden is not as high as the share who had confidence in [President Barack] Obama at the start or end of his presidency,” the Pew report notes.
Findings from a 2021 Pew Research Center survey show confidence ratings for five world leaders. (Pew Research Center)
A median of 89 percent of people approved of the United States rejoining the World Health Organization, and a median of 85 percent supported the United States rejoining the Paris climate agreement. Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement was widely criticized among advanced economies. Since taking office, Biden has sought to position the United States as a global leader in fighting climate change.
Perceptions of the United States’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic have also improved. Still, among all the publics surveyed, a median of 37 percent think the United States has done a good job. Many rate the United States below Germany, the WHO, China and the European Union in terms of pandemic response.
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And signs of skepticism about the United States’ dependability remain.
Among the 16 publics Pew surveyed in 2021, majorities or pluralities described the United States as a “somewhat reliable” partner. The proportion of respondents who said the United States is “very reliable” was below 20 percent in every place.
And with the United States having the highest coronavirus death toll in the world, a divided nation still licking its wounds after the Jan. 6 insurrection and Trump still wielding political clout, the image of American democracy appears to have taken a lasting hit.
Attitudes are mixed about how well the U.S. political system functions, and in most surveyed publics, less than 10 percent of respondents said it works very well.
“Publics in the advanced economies surveyed are largely skeptical that democracy in the U.S. is a good example for other countries to follow,” the report reads.
Majorities in most places think the United States “used to be a good example, but has not been in recent years,” while up to about a quarter reject the notion that it has ever been a model democracy. Young people were particularly skeptical in about half of places surveyed.
Results of a Pew Research Center survey in spring 2021 show divided opinions on the efficacy of the U.S. political system. (Pew Research Center)
Most people surveyed continued to say the United States doesn’t factor the interests of countries like theirs into foreign policy decisions, although attitudes across Europe vary.
A majority of respondents in Asian-Pacific regions also said the United States discounts their interests, with the exception of Japan. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga was the first foreign leader Biden hosted at the White House.
NATO, meanwhile, has a median favorability rating of 61 percent, and positive views of the alliance are “at or near all-time highs across several member states,” the Pew report reads.
It’s a finding that will hearten leaders, including Biden, who seek to breathe fresh life into NATO next week. The alliance took a beating in recent years when Trump threatened to pull out of it and Macron declared that it was experiencing “brain death.”
Pew said its 2021 findings on the United States’ international image were based on data from nationally representative surveys of more than 16,000 adults in 16 advanced economies conducted over the phone from March to May. Findings related to the coronavirus pandemic also incorporated a survey of about 2,600 U.S. adults conducted in February 2021 using Pew’s American Trends Panel.

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Among the 16 publics Pew surveyed in 2021, majorities or pluralities described the United States as a “somewhat reliable” partner. The proportion of respondents who said the United States is “very reliable” was below 20 percent in every place.
Sorry to say but it will take decades to restore the pre-Trump level of USA dependability with our international partners. The damage Trump heaped upon the NATO alliance was immense.
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