Global warming question for the liberals


HB Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
If you were President today and both sides of congress said they would vote for any actions you presented to combat global warming, what are you proposing to do?
I would do something to build the cost of pollution into the product price, maybe thats a carbon tax or a BTU tax or other. But i like an approach that incentivizes people choosing to be environmental for green (read money) reasons. I'd try to negotiate a some international agreement to bring the rest o the world along. I'd use our trade policy as a stick to force polluters to pay when they try to import dirty goods. Finally I'd move us into nuclear (maybe SFR, pebble, MSR?) in a big way along with all the other viable alternatives to fossil fuels.

What would you do?
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What would building pollution cost into the final product price do to actually curb the pollution? If I am a company making tires and I have a carbon tax of $5 per tire that I am simply able to add to the price of the tire, that will not give me an incentive to drop pollution.
What would building pollution cost into the final product price do to actually curb the pollution? If I am a company making tires and I have a carbon tax of $5 per tire that I am simply able to add to the price of the tire, that will not give me an incentive to drop pollution.
Why would it not? You could control how much of that $5 you pay by how much you pollute in your manufacturing. You green up your factory and you now have an advantage over your competition.
If you were President today and both sides of congress said they would vote for any actions you presented to combat global warming, what are you proposing to do?
My bad. Forget it was for liberals. I am not one of them.
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I would do something to build the cost of pollution into the product price, maybe thats a carbon tax or a BTU tax or other. But i like an approach that incentivizes people choosing to be environmental for green (read money) reasons. I'd try to negotiate a some international agreement to bring the rest o the world along. I'd use our trade policy as a stick to force polluters to pay when they try to import dirty goods. Finally I'd move us into nuclear (maybe SFR, pebble, MSR?) in a big way along with all the other viable alternatives to fossil fuels.

What would you do?

Liberals answer to anything, raise taxes. What would you do with China, India? they would laugh at you.
Liberals answer to anything, raise taxes. What would you do with China, India? they would laugh at you.

Cons answer to anything, complain about constructive ideas from the liberal side without offering anything of substance on their end. This is of course until one of their gods says the exact same thing then they are all for it.
Cons answer to anything, complain about constructive ideas from the liberal side without offering anything of substance on their end. This is of course until one of their gods says the exact same thing then they are all for it.
In this case its even better. Most of what I said I stole from cons who now deny they were ever for these ideas. This must have been what it was like at the beginning of the dark ages as mankind lost his knowledge and slid into ignorance.
As for what I would do, I'd start by taking a meat cleaver to the military. The US military is one of the largest producers of CO2 in the world. Cut its budget in half, save trillions, save the environment, and we'd still have the largest military in the world.
Step one is take away all the guns. When shots are fired carbon is released into the air. Step two is turn all men into women. Being that women have less flatulence than men carbon would also be decreased. Cattle also creates lots of carbon so I would force everyone to become vegan. All SUVs, trucks, and vans will be confiscated and replaced with those gumball looking electric cars.
Step one is take away all the guns. When shots are fired carbon is released into the air. Step two is turn all men into women. Being that women have less flatulence than men carbon would also be decreased. Cattle also creates lots of carbon so I would force everyone to become vegan. All SUVs, trucks, and vans will be confiscated and replaced with those gumball looking electric cars.

LOL, don't give the morons any ideas.
Tom, Dick and Harry were three turkeys living the good life on Mr. & Mrs. Smith's farm. All the feed they could eat, fresh water, if you have to be a turkey, "This is the place to be a turkey!", they all said. Until one day in late November Tom and Dick noticed Harry was missing. They looked all over for him, finally Tom said to Dick, "Let's split up and search the whole farm!"

So they split up. After awhile the only place Dick hadn't looked was in the Smith's house. He knew he wasn't supposed to go in there, but he had to find Harry! So he snuck around to the back door. The big door was open and the screen door was a little loose down by one corner, so he squeezed in real quiet. The Smith's were in the living room talking to guests, Dick was in the kitchen.

He looked in cupboards, and in the ice box. Then he opened the stove and saw what was left of Harry! His feathers were gone, his head was gone, and his skin was a golden brown! Smelled pretty darn good but the sight was terrifying! Dick ran out the back and around the farm screaming, "Tom!, Tom!"

When he found him, he was so out of breath he couldn't speak right off the bat. Tom kept asking, "What happened? Did you find Harry! Did something happen to Harry?!?!?

Finally Dick could speak, "It's worse than that Tom! Global Warming is REAL!!!!

The moral of the story is Global Warming is only going to be real when it effects the turkeys. Just like acid rain wasn't real until some turkey's car paint was ruined. Then something was done about the air pollution causing acid rain.
Tom, Dick and Harry were three turkeys living the good life on Mr. & Mrs. Smith's farm. All the feed they could eat, fresh water, if you have to be a turkey, "This is the place to be a turkey!", they all said. Until one day in late November Tom and Dick noticed Harry was missing. They looked all over for him, finally Tom said to Dick, "Let's split up and search the whole farm!"

So they split up. After awhile the only place Dick hadn't looked was in the Smith's house. He knew he wasn't supposed to go in there, but he had to find Harry! So he snuck around to the back door. The big door was open and the screen door was a little loose down by one corner, so he squeezed in real quiet. The Smith's were in the living room talking to guests, Dick was in the kitchen.

He looked in cupboards, and in the ice box. Then he opened the stove and saw what was left of Harry! His feathers were gone, his head was gone, and his skin was a golden brown! Smelled pretty darn good but the sight was terrifying! Dick ran out the back and around the farm screaming, "Tom!, Tom!"

When he found him, he was so out of breath he couldn't speak right off the bat. Tom kept asking, "What happened? Did you find Harry! Did something happen to Harry?!?!?

Finally Dick could speak, "It's worse than that Tom! Global Warming is REAL!!!!

The moral of the story is Global Warming is only going to be real when it effects the turkeys. Just like acid rain wasn't real until some turkey's car paint was ruined. Then something was done about the air pollution causing acid rain.

^^^^ Science of the left
^^^^ Science of the left

LOL! You never heard it before so it must be from the left?!!? I left out the part about the chickens.

You see, compared to turkeys chickens are cowards. They're always cackling about something. And ever since that "Sky is falling!" garbage nobody believes anything they say. NOT EVEN THEIR CLAIM THAT SOMEONE KEEPS STEALING THEIR BABIES. Now and then the whole farm will see a Mother hen with her chicks and there is proof right there nothing is going on.

The thing is with chickens, 98% of the time they are over-reacting. But then there is that one time when they weren't.

All I'm saying is it is useless to debate what can be done when on this farm nothing will be done until Harry ends up cooked. That's the way we are. Call me a lefty, or a righty, all that is, is someone like you unfamiliar with a thought that didn't come from your leaders. Think about it. ;)
LOL! You never heard it before so it must be from the left?!!? I left out the part about the chickens.

You see, compared to turkeys chickens are cowards. They're always cackling about something. And ever since that "Sky is falling!" garbage nobody believes anything they say. NOT EVEN THEIR CLAIM THAT SOMEONE KEEPS STEALING THEIR BABIES. Now and then the whole farm will see a Mother hen with her chicks and there is proof right there nothing is going on.

The thing is with chickens, 98% of the time they are over-reacting. But then there is that one time when they weren't.

All I'm saying is it is useless to debate what can be done when on this farm nothing will be done until Harry ends up cooked. That's the way we are. Call me a lefty, or a righty, all that is, is someone like you unfamiliar with a thought that didn't come from your leaders. Think about it. ;)

I took exception to the acid rain reference. Extrapolating from that is not a proof of CAGW. Just like the Y2K hysteria and 1970s ice age craziness is not proof of anything other than magazines and newspapers sell more when you tell people terrible things are about to happen. We might agree on this . . . might . . . even if CAGW was real . . . 7 billion people would have to agree to return to an agrarian society to "fix" things. And if true believer ALpocalypse Gore ain't willing to give up his Gulfstream, Mansions, Foie Gras, and fleet of limos for a near term cataclysm. What do you think the odds are that billions of peasants will trade in their cars for bicycles so limousine liberals (Zuckerberg, Gore, Soros, etc. etc.) can live like 17th century European aristocrats?

BTW, please save me your naive claims of existing without bias. There never has been such a creature, and there never will be. Everyone has interests . . . and interests create bias.
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I took exception to the acid rain reference. Extrapolating from that is not a proof of CAGW. Just like the Y2K hysteria and 1970s ice age craziness is not proof of anything other than magazines and newspapers sell more when you tell people terrible things are about to happen. We might agree on this . . . might . . . even if CAGW was real . . . 7 billion people would have to agree to return to an agrarian society to "fix" things. And if true believer ALpocalypse Gore ain't willing to give up his Gulfstream, Mansions, Foie Gras, and fleet of limos for a near term cataclysm. What do you think the odds are that billions of peasants will trade in their cars for bicycles so limousine liberals (Zuckerberg, Gore, Soros, etc. etc.) can live like 17th century European aristocrats?

BTW, please save me your naive claims of existing without bias. There never has been such a creature, and there never will be. Everyone has interests . . . and interests create bias.

Certainly HR you must believe that for every bias the simple medicine is uncertainty! :) Believe me, I can annoy the far left as easily as I annoy you. You don't hear me coming up with ways to solve global warming. We can't even get the Chinese to quit using our Wi-Fi!
In addition to (or elaborating upon) what natural suggested...

1. Set the end of 2016 as the target for ending the increase in CO2 production by the US, including all it's foreign and domestic operations. Target reductions of 5% per year every year thereafter.

2. Impose escalating tariffs on nations that don't do the same.

3. Only authorize drilling/fracking/mining of fossil fuels to replace - not supplement - dirtier fuel production.

4. Eliminate all subsidies, tax credits and deductions for fossil fuel production, except for cleaner replacements (see #3).

5. Eliminate all federal travel for conferences and such. Have we heard of Skype?

6. Eliminate corporate and personal tax deductions for many energy-intensive operations. No deductions for business travel/training boondoggles, for example. Or to buy non-green vehicles.

7. Expand and extend subsidies for green investment at both personal and corporate levels. Provide incentives for poor people, too. [If we are going to give thousands in incentives to middle class and rich folks, why not to poor folks, too?]

8. Require climate science curricula at all levels of public education.

9. Expand and fully fund the EPA. Empower the EPA to strictly regulate CO2 and other greenhouse gasses.

10. Ban offshore drilling, with rapid phase-out of existing operations.

11. Ban all coal mining, with rapid phase-out of existing operations, starting with the dirtiest.

12. Require aggressive carbon sequestration at all coal-fueled power plants.

13. Establish a class of climate crimes with punitive fines and actual jail time for major offenders AND those above them in the chain of command. No more token fines and only some low-level schlub getting his wrist slapped. Set up and fully fund an effective enforcement agency.

14. Massive commitment to rehabbing our infrastructure with the aim not merely of getting it fixed but of getting it to be what we need for the future.

15. Remove all subsidies for airplane traffic. Consider banning short-range, non-emergency flights.

16. Impose a carbon tax on autos. Not just at time of purchase, but every year. Progressively lower the cutoff.

17. Opt out of the WTO, NAFTA, other similar agreements, and cancel the TPP. If we can find willing partners, replace them with fair trade agreements that include strong environmental protections and penalties.

18. Invest more in rail, less in roads, very little in traditional air traffic. Consider investing in modern-tech Zeppelins.

I could go on (and may) but that's a start.
Liberals answer to anything, raise taxes. What would you do with China, India? they would laugh at you.

In the first four months of this year, the Chinese cut an amount of carbon from their emission equal to what Great Britain puts out. Last year China spent $89.5 billion on renewables...that's a third of all the money spent on renewables in the world. They have a vested interest in reducing their pollution...and we're ceding the technological advantage to them. We'll be buying THEIR technology rather than the other way around. Well done.