Go Fund Me for Duroe

In for $55; Xmas cc bill coming soon; have to see how things look this time next month!

Very sorry to hear this. Great guy and the only coach who tried to recruit Art Jr!
I saw some heavy hitters of the wrestling world on that donations list. That light-heavyweight from the red and silver team gave $500.
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Agreed, very nice to see those names on the list. In addition to those obvious names, I was very excited to see a few people who've helped me in my career, including former NCAA champ John Hughes (I still like him, even it it was for PSU) and Bucknell coach Wirnsberger. FAMILY STICKS TOGETHER! Just awesome!
If you are considering donating, please think about sending a check. Donating via Gofundme is easy, but they take a cut of your donation. If you write a check, 100% of your gift will go to Coach Duroe. Make the check to the Mike Duroe Benefit Account and send it to:

Mike Duroe Benefit Account
c/o Hawkeye Wrestling Club
308 E Burlington St
Box 247
Iowa City, IA 52240