Originally posted by DrVenkman:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Funky Bunch:
I watched. I feel sorry for the ones that were born into it.
Worst than other religions?
Most of us (I suspect) think Scientology is awfully screwy. But are the screwy things they believe really any screwier than the things believers in more traditional religion believe?
Imagine if, instead of variations on the Abrahamic religions dominating the world's believers it was variations on Scientology. And then someone started pushing the Trinity and the Pope and whatnot. Don't you think most believers in the dominant religions would be cracking up over the magic and the virgin birth and resurrection and so on? I mean Jesus had conversations with demons. Actual demons. Are demons and angels any more believable than the beings we hear about in Scientology?
I just watched this show this am. I admittedly knew very little about Scientology going into watching this.
I can not remember the last time I was this stunned by a what I was watching and hearing. This is not a religion in any form. It is a doctrine, i guess. They do have a life plan that people are supposed to live by. I guess it is debateable, the lengths that Scientology goes to in order to control their members lives and who is allowed in the 'club'. But this is pure sinisterism. if that is a word. Even the long-time members can not describe what the true beliefs or tenets are of Scientology- what the actual virtues are.?
They torture people, lock them up, take their children from them all while making them engage in elaborate and continuous documented 'auditing', which is their sick form of confession. Seemingly only for the sole purpose of being able to black-mail members and control them. Later on when they actually get to the level in the pyramid of learning that this religion was started by a cosmic being named Xenu who came from another planet on spaceships to collect bodies of earth people and dump them on volcanos. etc etc etc.. just wow.
I agree that comparing the language used to describe the beings that invade the babies bodies are similar to being born with original sin and there are other aspects, like a pope, or demons or all the other celestial crap that embodies a 'formal religion' but the extent to which scientology controls and then attempts to ruin peoples lives who try to reveal what is actually happening is where this documentary could make a real impact.