Golf Pet Peeves


Nov 23, 2021
Is there anything you swear happens every damn time you golf and just pisses you off?

For me I 2-4 times a round will hit my Par 3 tee shots within 6 feet from the pin yet I still have to chip back on to the green on my 2nd stroke. Also yes I just finished golfing

What bout you guys?
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For me, it's slow play. There's a direct correlation to pace of play and my scores.

It doesn't happen every round, but I hate it when I'm over my ball and a cart drives towards me. Could be the cart girl, marshal, or another golfer.
I agree. I always try to remember when I first started when it comes to slow play. My gf(no pics) just started this year so it comes back to me yet again. I usually give some grace for about 2 holes then after you need to let someone play through.
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When tee box turf is so hard you struggle to find a spot to put tee in.

Courses without cart path between green to next tee box. Shouldn’t have to bust out the map to see where next tee box is.
I agree. I'll gladly stay on the cart path and walk across the fairway for my shot as long as I know where the next tee is.
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I can't hit the ball straight to save my life. That's why I quit golfing back when I was in college and only fish for relaxation now. Every time I'd go golfing I'd get so goddamn frustrated by like the 3rd hole that it just wasn't fun anymore. I do not miss it haha

Some things just aren't for some folks, and golfing is not for me. However, I do enjoy watching it on TV.
I can't hit the ball straight to save my life. That's why I quit golfing back when I was in college and only fish for relaxation now. Every time I'd go golfing I'd get so goddamn frustrated by like the 3rd hole that it just wasn't fun anymore. I do not miss it haha

Some things just aren't for some folks, and golfing is not for me. However, I do enjoy watching it on TV.
I took a 2 year break for the same reason. My oldest son is autistic and the only sport he has shown an interest in without me bringing it up is golf so I got back into it this year so he could experience playing a real course.

I've made a very big effort this year to be happy with 2 good shots per hole. Helps me simmer down a bit...
Balls are spinning off?

Or the balls aren't holding?
I took a two year break from golf. I'm striking the ball decent but seems I hit a stinger over 50% of the time. I get that line drive landing and a hard skip/roll. I need to get in the lab and study my swing but can't justify the $ for it. Thankfully I'm a simpleton and just enjoy the outdoors and cold beer.
I took a 2 year break for the same reason. My oldest son is autistic and the only sport he has shown an interest in without me bringing it up is golf so I got back into it this year so he could experience playing a real course.

I've made a very big effort this year to be happy with 2 good shots per hole. Helps me simmer down a bit...
Nice, that's really cool. I do still have my clubs, maybe I should go to the driving range one of these days just for shits and giggles. There's absolutely no way possible I could be worse now than I was back then.
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Nice, that's really cool. I do still have my clubs, maybe I should go to the driving range one of these days just for shits and giggles. There's absolutely no way possible I could be worse now than I was back then.
That really was my idea as well. I still struggle with a horrific slice with my Driver/3 Wood/Hybrid but learn to live with enjoying my iron shots and chipping. Thankfully I've always been a good to great putter so I usually end a hole on a good note.
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I can't hit the ball straight to save my life. That's why I quit golfing back when I was in college and only fish for relaxation now. Every time I'd go golfing I'd get so goddamn frustrated by like the 3rd hole that it just wasn't fun anymore. I do not miss it haha

Some things just aren't for some folks, and golfing is not for me. However, I do enjoy watching it on TV.

Some people can enjoy golf even if they aren’t playing well. Some people bust a vessel and throw clubs. I’m in the latter, which is why I quit years ago.
1, Slow play, as mentioned before if I'm waiting on every tee box just add 6 strokes to my score now because it's not going to be good.

2. The course is playing slow and the group behind you is riding your ass. If it's my group playing slow and we don't let you through hit chilli peppers up my ass all day long. If I'm waiting on every tee box and can see the course is backed up on every tee box. Chill the F out, it's going to be a 5 hour round, you hitting into us on 18 and getting done in 5 hours vs 5 hours and 5 minutes isn't helping anything.
Golf is a funny game.....I love it, been playing my whole life, play in a weekly league on Wednesdays, etc. but the other day I saw something posted online about golf that I agreed with (and is the root of a lot of frustration I think).

Unlike other sports where the average Joe can't go out and throw a 95 mph fastball or run a 4.4 forty, etc. in golf at any given moment the average Joe golfer CAN pull a shot out of their ass that is pro-level (to a certain extent), thus almost creating a false hope if you will, or a false sense of confidence that you should be able to do that more often than you do, which ultimately leads to the frustration of the average golfer..."why can't I just do that every time?"

***and then to answer the OP's question, for me, undoubtedly when I birdie a hole I almost always come back on the very next teebox with a crap drive.....pisses me off something terrible.
Some people can enjoy golf even if they aren’t playing well. Some people bust a vessel and throw clubs. I’m in the latter, which is why I quit years ago.
Yup, thats me as well. I also remember hating it because my friends were all pretty good at it. So when we'd play, I spent the majority of the time away from everyone attempting to get the damn ball back on the fairway. It just wasn't fun for me.
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Golf is a funny game.....I love it, been playing my whole life, play in a weekly league on Wednesdays, etc. but the other day I saw something posted online about golf that I agreed with (and is the root of a lot of frustration I think).

Unlike other sports where the average Joe can't go out and throw a 95 mph fastball or run a 4.4 forty, etc. in golf at any given moment the average Joe golfer CAN pull a shot out of their ass that is pro-level (to a certain extent), thus almost creating a false hope if you will, or a false sense of confidence that you should be able to do that more often than you do, which ultimately leads to the frustration of the average golfer..."why can't I just do that every time?"

***and then to answer the OP's question, for me, undoubtedly when I birdie a hole I almost always come back on the very next teebox with a crap drive.....pisses me off something terrible.
Your first paragraph of that one great almost semi-pro shot is what keeps every damn local golf course alive financially.

"Oh man did you see those 3 shots I had? I can't wait for next week!"
Golfers in carts. I get so sick of singles in carts riding up my ass, especially when I am keeping pace with the group in front of me. It is my opinion now that only walking should be allowed on courses. Either carry, push cart, or employ a caddie. It is not a coincidence that on days when the course is too wet for carts and is open to walkers only that pace of play is absolutely perfect even when the course is full. Cart golf is hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. Besides, most Americans can use the exercise.
Golfers in carts. I get so sick of singles in carts riding up my ass, especially when I am keeping pace with the group in front of me. It is my opinion now that only walking should be allowed on courses. Either carry, push cart, or employ a caddie. It is not a coincidence that on days when the course is too wet for carts and is open to walkers only that pace of play is absolutely perfect even when the course is full. Cart golf is hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. Besides, most Americans can use the exercise.
I could see that. I am not a great golfer but I'm quick at locating my shot and tossing it somewhere decent to keep pace.
I'm only 31 and even I have considered getting one of those walking buggie things.
The insistence on absolute silence. An MLB batter has to swing a stick and hit a bb coming at 95mph AND try to put the ball where there’s no one to catch it while thousands of people are screaming. And if he can do that a third of the time he’s at the top of the game.

Web Series Omg GIF by ZEE5
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The insistence on absolute silence. An MLB batter has to swing a stick and hit a bb coming at 95mph AND try to put the ball where there’s no one to catch it while thousands of people are screaming. And if he can do that a third of the time he’s at the top of the game.

Web Series Omg GIF by ZEE5
I like that attitude. I bring a speaker for tunes every round and never understood the silence thing
I could see that. I am not a great golfer but I'm quick at locating my shot and tossing it somewhere decent to keep pace.
I'm only 31 and even I have considered getting one of those walking buggie things.
I carry almost every round. Only time I don't is when I take my kids out (which is about to change because they started Jr. PGA this year and have to walk in tournaments), golf with my dad, or it is some sort of event/tournament. Otherwise, I walk about 90-100 rounds a year. I can keep pace with carts in front of and behind me that play at a "normal" pace, but there are a couple of carters who are regulars that play speed golf. I'm not even sure they are even trying to hole out in as few strokes as possible. I think they gauge a successful round in how fast they can play it. Like combining golf and NASCAR.

I have ordered a push cart for my 10yr old daughter to use for tournaments and will use it myself from time to time. Might even join the Pushcart Mafia.
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Slow play but only if it's caused by incompetence. Just use some common sense on grabbing the clubs you need, parking the cart in an appropriate spot and the time spent looking for a lost ball. It's not rocket surgery.
I want to add to yours this one thing.......
I do not care if you suck and chip the ball all the way across the other side of the green, are awful with your irons, or a shitty putter........

But for the love of god stop taking 17 practice swings before all this.
2-3 practice swings and hit the damn ball.
I carry almost every round. Only time I don't is when I take my kids out (which is about to change because they started Jr. PGA this year and have to walk in tournaments), golf with my dad, or it is some sort of event/tournament. Otherwise, I walk about 90-100 rounds a year. I can keep pace with carts in front of and behind me that play at a "normal" pace, but there are a couple of carters who are regulars that play speed golf. I'm not even sure they are even trying to hole out in as few strokes as possible. I think they gauge a successful round in how fast they can play it. Like combining golf and NASCAR.

I have ordered a push cart for my 10yr old daughter to use for tournaments and will use it myself from time to time. Might even join the Pushcart Mafia.
I've noticed that this year. I swear people have a 10:00 AM tee time with a 1:00 PM engagement and are just a-holes about it.
I'd put money on it that they only drop 5-8 putts a round.
My one lifelong pet peeve with golf is a rules issue, Hitting a drive down the middle of the fairway and it ends up in a divot, You did exactly what you were supposed to do yet incur somewhat of a penalty. If it’s in a divot in the rough no problem, You missed the fairway. Casual golf or tournament golf I have always felt getting a drop out of a divot in the fairway should be allowed.
My one lifelong pet peeve with golf is a rules issue, Hitting a drive down the middle of the fairway and it ends up in a divot, You did exactly what you were supposed to do yet incur somewhat of a penalty. If it’s in a divot in the rough no problem, You missed the fairway. Casual golf or tournament golf I have always felt getting a drop out of a divot in the fairway should be allowed.
This has to be the dumbest rule or non rule a game littered with them. Slow players should die. One of my best friends is insufferable.
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My one lifelong pet peeve with golf is a rules issue, Hitting a drive down the middle of the fairway and it ends up in a divot, You did exactly what you were supposed to do yet incur somewhat of a penalty. If it’s in a divot in the rough no problem, You missed the fairway. Casual golf or tournament golf I have always felt getting a drop out of a divot in the fairway should be allowed.
who decides what a divot is?
Also one of my biggest ones, happens at my home course all the time and probably more common at small town 9 hole tracks.
… is groups of 5+ golfers, the more in the group the more pissed off I become just watching them disrupt the entire flow for everyone else.
Also one of my biggest ones, happens at my home course all the time and probably more common at small town 9 hole tracks.
… is groups of 5+ golfers, the more in the group the more pissed off I become just watching them disrupt the entire flow for everyone else.
I played behind a 6 (yes...6 some) of old f**ks just taking all the time. Course was wide open that morning. They had a 5 hole lead and I caught them on #7. They refused the let me play through. I buzzed past them at the turn and noticed at least a couple of the women give the "well...I never!!!!" look.

So... groups of old people who refuse to let faster groups play through is my answer

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