Good-bye John Deere Jobs; Thanks jo and the unions! jo Hates Farmers and The Midwest!

Never sat in a GPS guided combine and bragged about yields that are mostly the work of plant geneticists or bellyached about problems that could be solved by selling my land. Not for me.
You never did shit.....just like every lazy generation in your family......
Why are you posting right now? Shouldn't you be feeding your hobby chickens at your soybean farm and counting that as a hard day's work? Oh that's right it's summer and you do less work than a teacher in the summer
Having a couple cold ones on the veranda while watching my endless sea of chest high, Iowa gold wave gently in the breeze..........while owning the libs!
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Having a couple cold ones on the veranda while watching my endless sea of chest high, Iowa gold wave gently in the breeze..........while owning the libs!
What's next for you? It's not yet dusk so you must have a lot more hard work to get to. Perhaps drunk driving to Casey's in town in a brand new pickup to get another case and telling the actual working people in there how much you'd love a vacation but you work so hard and are "cash poor" (aka wealthy) like a true working class gentleman?
What's next for you? It's not yet dusk so you must have a lot more hard work to get to. Perhaps drunk driving to Casey's in town in a brand new pickup to get another case and telling the actual working people in there how much you'd love a vacation but you work so hard and are "cash poor" (aka wealthy) like a true working class gentleman?
They don't sell what I drink at Casey's you dumb bitch! 🤣
What's next for you? It's not yet dusk so you must have a lot more hard work to get to. Perhaps drunk driving to Casey's in town in a brand new pickup to get another case and telling the actual working people in there how much you'd love a vacation but you work so hard and are "cash poor" (aka wealthy) like a true working class gentleman?

Is this really what you think of farmers?
Bellyaching farmers yes. "Waaaa I don't wanna sell the land it's been in my family for generations I'm just going to whine about how hard I have it even though there's a simple solution for me."
Who the **** is a welfare case like you to demand someone sell their generational wealth?
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Bellyaching farmers yes. "Waaaa I don't wanna sell the land it's been in my family for generations I'm just going to whine about how hard I have it even though there's a simple solution for me."
Do you sell your daughter to ILLEGALS for Saturday night fun when you are short rent money?
Bellyaching farmers yes. "Waaaa I don't wanna sell the land it's been in my family for generations I'm just going to whine about how hard I have it even though there's a simple solution for me."

Um, they don’t make more land…. Why sell? Farming is tough work and technological advances have most definitely made it less strenuous but they still work their ass off.
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Um, they don’t make more land…. Why sell? Farming is tough work and technological advances have most definitely made it less strenuous but they still work their ass off.

I would sell if I was having issues and whining to people who are actually poor because I was "cash poor" and could literally stop working my ass off tomorrow. They listen to shitty country music and get this idea that they're the only people in the world who work and most of them think their success is because of their hard work and not their inheritance and the long term cooperation of science and industrial farming. To put it more succinctly, I'm sick of their bullshit
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I would sell if I was having issues and whining to people who are actually poor because I was "cash poor" and could literally stop working my ass off tomorrow. They listen to shitty country music and get this idea that they're the only people in the world who work and most of them think their success is because of their hard work and not their inheritance and the long term cooperation of science and industrial farming. To put it more succinctly, I'm sick of their bullshit
Your ****ed up attitude is why you DON'T have anything to sell! When you've never worked your nuts off for something, sweated and fretted and feel responsible to previous generations to care for what you inherited and grow it going forward, it's easy for you to cry "sell it" like a twat!
Your ****ed up attitude is why you DON'T have anything to sell! When you've never worked your nuts off for something, sweated and fretted and feel responsible to previous generations to care for what you inherited and grow it going forward, it's easy for you to cry "sell it" like a twat!
You are too dumb to get hired as night shelf stocker if you depended on the labor market to subsist, count your blessings you're a little heir boy in an industry where everyone else already did the hard work
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I would sell if I was having issues and whining to people who are actually poor because I was "cash poor" and could literally stop working my ass off tomorrow. They listen to shitty country music and get this idea that they're the only people in the world who work and most of them think their success is because of their hard work and not their inheritance and the long term cooperation of science and industrial farming. To put it more succinctly, I'm sick of their bullshit

Do you know a lot of farmers?
You are too dumb to get hired as night shelf stocker if you depended on the labor market to subsist, count your blessings you're a little heir boy in an industry where everyone else already did the hard work
Your jealousy is getting pretty boring...but feel free to come out when we make small bales for the ponies! Your punk ass can stack in the loft....I'll feed!
Your jealousy is getting pretty boring...but feel free to come out when we make small bales for the ponies! Your punk ass can stack in the loft....I'll feed!
I'm not jealous of you (you have a very simple mind and it's not one I envy), I just wish you had a little self awareness
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Do you know a lot of farmers?
Have an uncle who inherited a bunch of land by marriage and I've never heard him bitching about immigrants, minorities, and lazy city people but probably because he grew up in Waterloo and has a clue. I met my share of farmers in high school and I only liked a few of them.
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Have an uncle who inherited a bunch of land by marriage and I've never heard him bitching about immigrants, minorities, and lazy city people but probably because he grew up in Waterloo and has a clue. I met my share of farmers in high school and I only liked a few of them.
By marriage? lol It ain't in his blood, son. Them farm boys probably showed you a real time under the bleachers, huh, prissy boy?! 🤣
By marriage? lol It ain't in his blood, son. Them farm boys probably showed you a real time under the bleachers, huh, prissy boy?! 🤣

You're so goddamn stupid. His parents/my grandparents grew up on a farm as did my grandparents on the other side. Almost everybody in this state going back generations grew up on farms. Then guess what happened? There wasn't enough farmland for new family farms and also small farms just aren't economical so a bunch of farm kids moved to the city after they got back from war and made decent wages at places like Deere and Rath before neoliberalism gutted this while ownership of the land has been consolidated by economic reality.
You're so goddamn stupid. His parents/my grandparents grew up on a farm as did my grandparents on the other side. Almost everybody in this state going back generations grew up on farms. Then guess what happened? There wasn't enough farmland for new family farms and also small farms just aren't economical so a bunch of farm kids moved to the city after they got back from war and made decent wages at places like Deere and Rath before neoliberalism gutted this while ownership of the land has been consolidated by economic reality.
democrats didn't ruin the family farm concept until the 80s, Hoss.
democrats didn't ruin the family farm concept until the 80s, Hoss.
Industrial farming is about feeding billions of people, not partisan politics. And the people who figure that stuff out go to college to learn about ag because apparently there's some science involved and it's not just all "in your blood." Family farms *should* die under global capitalism. They're inefficient. So sad 😢
Um, they don’t make more land…. Why sell? Farming is tough work and technological advances have most definitely made it less strenuous but they still work their ass off.
Does Jason Aldean have a song about this swag? ;) Here is a little over the top here in his defense of farmers. But then Jason probably has a song for that too.
I wonder when Here gets any sleep? I think he watches a lot of FOX, attends Trump rallies and if course, he obviously goes to a lot of Jason Aldean concerts.
What's next for you? It's not yet dusk so you must have a lot more hard work to get to. Perhaps drunk driving to Casey's in town in a brand new pickup to get another case and telling the actual working people in there how much you'd love a vacation but you work so hard and are "cash poor" (aka wealthy) like a true working class gentleman?
You forgot going to the casino in his $80k “farm truck” and pissing away a few hundred dollars of socialist subsidies.
Does Jason Aldean have a song about this swag? ;) Here is a little over the top here in his defense of farmers. But then Jason probably has a song for that too.
I wonder when Here gets any sleep? I think he watches a lot of FOX, attends Trump rallies and if course, he obviously goes to a lot of Jason Aldean concerts.
It’s a shame he missed that concert in Vegas a while back…