
It could be.

But Birds Of A Feather.....

And, it'd certainly explain how so many otherwise intelligent people have gone over the edge. People will do insane things to protect their reputations, once they are privately caught doing something criminal or inappropriate.
Lindsey Graham for example has to have been caught doing something that Trump knew about to see just how drastically his personality changed.
1. When you write out the english alphabet in standard left to right format it is the letter "left" of "q" which makes it hilarious.

2. The double ontondra.

3. The anxiety generally associated with an adult not being able to control thier functions is representative of the "pisspants" emotion driving responses usually found here.

Q is P, P is Q.

Hope this helps.
LOL so great.
Works for me. The GOP projecting last year about Democrats and Pedophilia was Projecting on what they themselves are is the irony. Many more to go.
Neither party has any reason to throw stones in this area. Both parties have plenty of scumbags.
LOL so great.
Whiskey doing his morning affirmation in the mirror:


Cut him some slack, though, he’s a product of the Davenport Public School system.
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Meh these photos don't mean much. Politicians at the national level like that probably take pictures with thousands of supporters every year.

It could be left at just that this guy was a big GOP fundraiser.

Totally agree. The dude is a chump and will rot in jail. I don't think we need to assume that other memebers of the GOP are guilty (maybe not Trump) of doing it or knowing he did it.
And this has exactly what to do with#GOPPedo ring????? And honestly, the pedo stuff is unfortunately more common than any of us would think among members of both parties. It is silly to just look for stuff involving the other team and posting about it. I am sure someone could do the same thing with Democrats, but no one else has the time or energy to do it. They all realize it is silly and not worth it. Maybe you will figure it out some day. Let me help you out:

"Delete your account"

Thanks, but no thanks.
And this has exactly what to do with#GOPPedo ring????? And honestly, the pedo stuff is unfortunately more common than any of us would think among members of both parties. It is silly to just look for stuff involving the other team and posting about it. I am sure someone could do the same thing with Democrats, but no one else has the time or energy to do it. They all realize it is silly and not worth it. Maybe you will figure it out some day. Let me help you out:

"Delete your account"

Thanks, but no thanks.

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