GoT massive spoilers leaked

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Jon and Daenerys spend much of the season together at Dragonstone, and in the finale they have sex while the Wall crumbles; Arya and Sansa are reunited, and Arya executes Littlefinger at Sansa’s command; Euron and Cersei form a doomed alliance against the Daenerys/Jon coalition; Samwell, Gilly, and Bran put together that Jon Snow is actually the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen (this is complicated and involves an annulment and Jon being named Aegon, same as his half-brother); Jon and a host of others go north of the Wall to capture a wight to prove the nature of the looming threat to Westerosi rulers; and the Night King kills and possesses Viserion, turns him into an ice dragon, and uses him to burn down the Wall. It’s unclear whether or not Euron resurrects that horrifying Cthulu monster that our old friend Poor Quentyn predicted he would, but in all these plot events are both pretty insane and actually in line with where the show seemed to be headed after Cersei nuked King’s Landing and Daenerys set sail for Westeros.