Really enjoyed the game once we got seated but did anyone else get caught up in the crowd crush about 15 minutes before kickoff? My wife and I were trying to enter the west side portal inside the stadium from the direction of the south end zone and suddenly found ourselves in a pushing, shoving crowd of fans packed so tight you couldn't move. Not that I mind getting up close and friendly with strangers but people were packed chest to chest and face to face so tight it got downright scary. Some women and kids were actually crying and an older fellow in the crowd looked very distraught. I've never seen anything like it. The whole thing lasted maybe 15 minutes and people could not figure out what was going on or why the crush of people wasn't moving through the portal. Fortunately, no one was hurt (to my knowledge) but it's not hard to imagine what might have happened had panic set in. I believe a policeman eventually began doing some much-needed crowd control but that was just a rumor (among several other rumors). Does anyone know what the heck was going on?