Great Old Movies Millenials have NEVER seen

Over the last year I really started watching old movies. There are some great ones. Going through the guide for TCM, and DVRing movies with either Hepburn. Tracy. Cary Grant. Bogart. So many phenomenal old movies that are worth watching.
Over the last year I really started watching old movies. There are some great ones. Going through the guide for TCM, and DVRing movies with either Hepburn. Tracy. Cary Grant. Bogart. So many phenomenal old movies that are worth watching.
I have been doing the same.
The Third Man. Orson Welles other masterpiece.

Great call on the movie, but Welles is acting only in this one.

Like others have said, TCM is a goldmine and the one traditional cable channel that I would miss if I cut the cord entirely. One nice thing now, though, is they're a part of HBOMax and some of the "greatest hits" of TCM are found on the app.
I loaned a bargain bin Ghostbusters DVD to a coworker a few years ago since he'd never seen it and I found that unfortunate. The guy was in his early 30s with several young kids and, from what I gathered from conversations, he'd had a pretty sheltered life growing up. He brought the movie back the next day. All he had to say was, "Bill Murray's kind of a creep."
Born 1961
Two 1941 movies I really like. Citizen Kane and How Green was my Valley.
Citizen Kane consistently ranked as one of the top movies of all time.
Over the last year I really started watching old movies. There are some great ones. Going through the guide for TCM, and DVRing movies with either Hepburn. Tracy. Cary Grant. Bogart. So many phenomenal old movies that are worth watching.

I check the TCM schedule every day to see what has been added to the upcoming queue. There is a string of Hitchcock movies coming next week.
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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. 1963 comedy.

Just an outstanding cast and story.
I finally got around to watching this a few months ago. An astoundingly good cast! At one point, I couldn't believe the eight or so guys that were on the screen in the same scene. All comedy legends.
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I am currently watching Destination Tokyo, starring Cary Grant.
I know this is sacrilege and Mel Brooks is GOAT and Alex Karras and Gene Wilder and Iowa and all that, but here goes. It doesn't hold up that well and not because of the PC stuff. It's a slapstick dude musical. Comedy rarely holds up well other than nostalgically.

I don't think it would surprise SJWs to find a movie from the 70s with unwoke language. I think they're more likely to be bored than offended if they haven't seen it. Except the ones who will pretend to be offended for their blog and social media.

I still like to watch on occasion, but to me the humor in it doesn't hold up well for younger audiences.

I keep hoping it gets added to Prime, Netflix or aired on tv somewhere. I'm a sucker for musicals and this one is a guilty pleasure for me.

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