Great scenes in cinema

Possibly the greatest scene ever


I just watched Star Trek First Contact.

Found our way into the VIP Lounge of the Cozumel airport yesterday afternoon. Sitting next to a group talking loudly about Voyager and stalkers. Turns out it was Jeri Ryan from ST Voyager. There were a couple others too. Some Star Trek cruise. One of the dudes was flying up to Toronto for Resident Alien filming. Kind of funny, the people you don't realize you may be sitting next to
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Found our way into the VIP Lounge of the Cozumel airport yesterday afternoon. Sitting next to a group talking loudly about Voyager and stalkers. Turns out it was Jeri Ryan from ST Voyager. There were a couple others too. Some Star Trek cruise. One of the dudes was flying up to Toronto for Resident Alien filming. Kind of funny, the people you don't realize you may be sitting next to

  • Haha
Reactions: fredjr82