In a recent interview with author Marilynne Robinson, President Obama made this remark about religion in America:
“In our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them? You’ve struggled with the fact that here in the United States, sometimes Christian interpretation seems to posit an ‘us versus them,’ and those are sometimes the loudest voices.”
Well, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld had something to say about that. After airing out some of his frustrations, Gutfeld went on to say that the President’s condescending demeanor towards his opposers is what makes him a polarizing figure:
“Cloaked in compassion, he says that we are polarizing, unaware that it’s his smug perspective that polarizes most.
Using Fox News and Christians as a proxy for a nation that makes him wince, he’s a drone honed in the faculty lounge. His beliefs are not bugs in the system, they are the system.”
Kirsten Powers, a Fox News Contributor and liberal-leaning political pundit, also criticized Obama for his response to a shooting earlier this year:
“When three North Carolina Muslims were gunned down by a virulent atheist, Obama rightly spoke out against the horrifying killings. But he just can’t seem to find any passion for the mass persecution of Middle Eastern Christians or the eradication of Christianity from its birthplace.”
In a recent interview with author Marilynne Robinson, President Obama made this remark about religion in America:
“In our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them? You’ve struggled with the fact that here in the United States, sometimes Christian interpretation seems to posit an ‘us versus them,’ and those are sometimes the loudest voices.”
Well, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld had something to say about that. After airing out some of his frustrations, Gutfeld went on to say that the President’s condescending demeanor towards his opposers is what makes him a polarizing figure:
“Cloaked in compassion, he says that we are polarizing, unaware that it’s his smug perspective that polarizes most.
Using Fox News and Christians as a proxy for a nation that makes him wince, he’s a drone honed in the faculty lounge. His beliefs are not bugs in the system, they are the system.”
Kirsten Powers, a Fox News Contributor and liberal-leaning political pundit, also criticized Obama for his response to a shooting earlier this year:
“When three North Carolina Muslims were gunned down by a virulent atheist, Obama rightly spoke out against the horrifying killings. But he just can’t seem to find any passion for the mass persecution of Middle Eastern Christians or the eradication of Christianity from its birthplace.”